
【A Wonderful EAT-PLAY-LOVE Day 。好心情】

Jan. 13, 2011 Rainy day

Cat was the first animal attracted Iroko when she was 6-month-old. As she grows, more animals enter to her world and she is now not so fond of cat. For no special reason, mummy simply felt like making her a kitten this morning.
【Playful Dirty Kitten 。污濁貓】
Although it couldn't be done within a minute or two (definitely < 10min. for beginners), it is still considered as an easy-to-prepare non-cook breakfast!

Tools used to prepare the【Playful Dirty Kitten】
 Mummy used 3 cookie cutters (eggplant, peanut, and bell shape) to cut the tail, paws, and the ears. The body and head were cut by using the measuring cup and the lid of Marmite container (forgot to include in the photo). Now only mummy realised that she was so blundered--she was to put the scissors, which was used to cut the nose, instead of the knife >,<

The lunch is also Iroko's top favourite--ICE-CREAM!!

【Potato "Ice-Cream" 。不是雪糕,是“薯”糕】
arrrgggg, got cheated by mummy!!
 Of course mummy will never prepare real ice-cream as Iroko's lunch!! It's mashed potato. Besides, to make sure the little one gets sufficient fluid intake, mummy prepared spinach soup (forgot to take a picture of it).
Guess what, Iroko finished everything!! That was a big size potato!

Iroko loves orange soooooo much recently until she totally forewent her "EX"--strawberry. We don't always get nice strawberry even some were imported and didn't come cheap--RM12 for <10 strawberries!! Daddy, as you wished--your daughter found her new love!


1 comment:

  1. what a brilliant ideal to have "ice-cream" as lunch!
    ya, orange is cheaper than strawberry a lot! haha
