
【Intimacy 。相依相偎】

June 09, 2011 Blur blur sunny day

After being completely closed for one day, the {ma--msak} kitchen is back to its normal operation today.

Like other kids, Iroko loves underwater creatures, including sharks ^.^
Mummy always feels uneasy/lacking for not preparing *happy meal* on any normal day, unexpectedly, the little queen does feel the same!! She kept reminding mummy to make her the seahorse, which she saw in mummy's sketch book, whenever both of us were in the kitchen yesterday. However, she enjoyed her take-away-chicken rice- lunch even without any cartoon/animal, etc. ;)

*happy lunch* includes:
Orange (starter) + Miso soup with laver sheets +
mashed potato & carrot + steamed cauliflower, broccoli, French beans & fish balls
吃完晚餐回家的路上,不知怎麼的喝奶的癮突然來了,小妞就戰戰兢兢地向媽咪要求--因為她知道,不是特殊情況,現在媽咪不允許她在睡覺前以外的時間吸奶,但其實她已經躺了下來,準備“就緒”還想幫媽咪“寬衣”,還一邊唱著:“The cows give us milk, the cowss give us milk, hai yo ho.....”

在一旁駕車的爹地馬上笑了出來,“eh, 妳的女兒說妳是母牛!!”#_#

媽咪就問:“Koko, are you saying mummy is a COW? Because mummy gives you milk! ”
小妞頓了一頓,馬上有點尷尬地否定:“NO!! Mummy is not moo moo. Mummy is mummy!”,語畢,就給媽咪一個吻*u*



【Ice-Breaking 。破冰而出】

June 07, 2011 Sleepy =o=

*happy lunch* includes:
Apple (starter) + English gourd soup +
stewed cauliflower with mushroom & carrot + grilled sausage
After a few days of warming up, the mood to prepare *happy meals* seems getting better and mummy's nimbleness is recovering... ;)

The only regret is the ears of the polar bear ;s They are too small to be molded by too little amount of rice (of course that is not infeasible, just the matter of time! Iroko was asking for her lunch when the bear was nearly done). Thus, cauliflowers were used instead.
Peculiarly, normal fragrant rice is stickier than the Japanese Sushi rice mummy bought from a rice specialty @.@ (mummy tried to make sushi over the weekend, but the mission was not so successful)

小妞真的是“姣婆守唔到寡”,幾乎每天都想出街 >,<
昨天和媽咪在家裡呆了整個上下午, 晚餐後,一聽到爹地要去丟垃圾,就飛奔跟著去。跟爹地牽著手走回家時,小妞就向爹地撒嬌:“Daddy, let's go out buy something!” @,@


【Something Has Gone Wrong ;( 。就是不順眼 /O\ 】

2011年6月6日 納悶。。。

“手風”不順時,做什麼都不是 ;-[


*happy lunch* includes:
Seaweed soup + steamed tofu with fishballs & "yau mak" (vege) + fried egg with salted vege
有天幫小妞換衣時,在一旁的爹地被她的大肚子嚇著了,就“酸”了女兒:“Koko, how come your stomach is so big? What's inside?”

小妞想了不想就告訴爹地:“Got baby inside! kaima baby!”

【Famous-Amos-Taste-Alike Cookies 。接近“正品”的冒牌曲奇】

June 06, 2011 Cheerful Sunny Day

Truly happy with this batch of chocolate chips with pecans cookies!!!! (more accurately, mummy is rather happy with the recipe*) Until now (5 hours after baking was done) the smell is still surrounding the kitchen!

* Intellectual property of blogger Pauline, posted on Cake.Bake.Love

For the very first time, mummy practiced rubbing-in-method. 
Not sure, is this the reason that contributes to the success?! 
 Yes, the cookies really taste like the F.Amos cookies. Especially the smell. Mummy has tried out a few cookies recipes, this is the only one giving the same smell that stimulates us whenever any F.Amos counter is approaching (^.^)v

Unlike other cookies dough, the dough is actually quite soft & moist.
Mummy even thought that this would be a "gone case" ;p
 Texture wise, if you prefer hard crunchy type, this one might not meet your expectation because these cookies are even crunchier--nearly flaky & “airy”! Dryer and harder texture would definitely make them taste more like the F.Amos ones! However, because of the crunchiness, it makes you eat more >,<

- 250g       Cold butter (cut into small cubes)
- ½ cup      Brown sugar
- 2½ cups  Plain flour*
- 1 tsp        Baking soda*
- ½ tsp       Baking powder*
- ½ tsp       Salt
* Can be replaced by self-raising flour
- 1      Beaten egg (about 55g with shell, a Grade B egg)
- 50g  Melted chocolate (set aside to cool) [Lindht dark choc. was used here]

- 1 tsp Vanilla extract
- 150-200g Chocolate chips

Any nuts of your preference [pecans were used here]

Method:1) Use fingertips to rub (A) till lumpy;
2) Add (B) to (A) mixture to form a dough (do not knead);
3) Add (C);
4) Drop the cookie dough onto lined baking tray. Leave some space between the cookies to allow for spreading.

5) Bake in preheated oven at 150C for about 12mins or until cookies turn light brown. **
6) Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely and keep in airtight container.
**Adjust according to your oven temperature because every oven functions differently.
The oven at {ma-masak} kitchen is quite "cool", normally takes longer to complete a mission. Mummy baked for about 15 mins.


【A morning in Madagascar 。“非”到東岸的森林去】

June 05, 2011 A dehydrating day

The most challenging and trickiest part to replicate a cartoon characters (especially famous ones) is to make the character vivid through its facial expressions. Of course, at the first place, the features must be as precise+accurate as possible ;)

Alex, the lion, seems quite simple to be done amongst its buddies. Yet, mummy just couldn't get the right feeling ;s It should be more innocent and witty ^.^ But this one looks crafty and not as cute as the Alex in the movie ;<

Left: Melman; Right: Alex
 Initially, mummy intended to include the other 2 buddies, Marty (the zebra) and Gloria (the hippo), but the kitchen was too warm and mummy was terribly attacked by mosquitoes >~< Just gave up!! Well, hopefully part (2) is coming soon!

公共假期的大清早,小妞起得特別早,難得爹地在家(睡覺),她就爬到爹地身上叫醒他。還沒回過神的爹地就被女兒命令:“Daddy, you got to make the bed by yourself, like Hi-5 姐姐okay?” @.@



【Buzzz... 。咿嗡嗡】

June 03, 2011 Back to normal ...

The air in the house turns undisturbed as usual;
and silence returns without invitation...

Yes, Iroko is back to her routine after a few busy-crazy-fun-filled days spent with her cousins. So as mummy--gets back to her {ma-masak}.

*happy buzzy breakfast*
In fact, the *happy buzzy breakfast* was back-dated job done 2 days ago. Finally, mummy managed to blog it.

“曲終人散”,屋裡不再鬧哄哄,早上起來,一睜開眼睛,小妞就問媽咪:“yii, where is Joey 姐姐?”
小妞卻很平靜地說:“Later they come again play with Koko huh! okay?!”

清醒後,吃完早餐,那小妞看起來並沒有特別失落,一如往常,看著她的Hi-5, 唱歌跳舞。。。是習慣了和媽咪單獨相處,還是她就是那麼容易放得下?。。。