
【A morning in Madagascar 。“非”到東岸的森林去】

June 05, 2011 A dehydrating day

The most challenging and trickiest part to replicate a cartoon characters (especially famous ones) is to make the character vivid through its facial expressions. Of course, at the first place, the features must be as precise+accurate as possible ;)

Alex, the lion, seems quite simple to be done amongst its buddies. Yet, mummy just couldn't get the right feeling ;s It should be more innocent and witty ^.^ But this one looks crafty and not as cute as the Alex in the movie ;<

Left: Melman; Right: Alex
 Initially, mummy intended to include the other 2 buddies, Marty (the zebra) and Gloria (the hippo), but the kitchen was too warm and mummy was terribly attacked by mosquitoes >~< Just gave up!! Well, hopefully part (2) is coming soon!

公共假期的大清早,小妞起得特別早,難得爹地在家(睡覺),她就爬到爹地身上叫醒他。還沒回過神的爹地就被女兒命令:“Daddy, you got to make the bed by yourself, like Hi-5 姐姐okay?” @.@


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