
【Here I Come, Halloween 。我也來萬聖節湊熱鬧!】

The Halloween Eve 2011

maaaaaaaaaaaali mali humm, 急急如律令。。。
Time to get up!!! It's PARTY time!!
Mummy actually did not plan to make *Happy Halloween Meal* because, 
Firstly, Halloween has never been on the list of celebration; 
Secondly, Iroko and mummy are on their vacation, visiting the new born cousin in Penang ^.^v 
Thirdly, mummy is not confident to produce a presentable *happy meal* without {ma-masak} tools and daddy's camera.

Pumpkin carvings? Ghosts? Mummy? Skeleton?……?
taa laang!!! At last, 殭屍 (jiang shi)--chinese vampire came to the fore!!
However, the heat of Halloween is getting stronger everywhere... and Iroko is so attracted to those Halloween party products... and couple of ideas (for *Happy Halloween Meal*) started bursting to welcome the festival v(*u*)v

Finally, for the very first time, the Halloween even dinner was produced outside the {ma-masak} work station ^.^v
*happy Halloween eve dinner* includes:
Strawberries (starter) + mashed potato + hard boiled egg + sweet corn soup

“Mummy, are the babies real ones?Oh no, how come so small?” @_@


“What happen to 妹妹's 'pom pom' (the genital part)?”  Note: 妹妹 = younger sister

媽咪很疑惑地回答小妞的疑惑:“Because the nurse wanted to make sure 妹妹is a girl...” @_@ 
媽呀,那真的很考驗媽咪的性知識急智!!不過,不就是實話實說 >.<

“妹妹,do you want to go to Alor Setar?Youcan play with 叔叔 and 爺爺。。。Got jambu (rose apple in Malay language)。。。but 妹妹has no teeth, cannot eat. Koko got teeth, broken already but can eat jambu。。。” 

@_@。。。 >_< 


【Happy Deepavali 。屠妖節快樂】

October 25, 2011 Rich sunlight & rain

憤怒鳥+孔雀的合體 >_<
A few peacocks have been drafted for preparing this *happy Deepavali meal*. Mummy eventually decided to make fun of Angry Bird ;p
In fact, the Angry Bird is always the catchiest creature to Iroko. As the meal was served, she didn't realise it actually is an "Angry Peacock". Perhaps, the tail doesn't resemble a conventional peacock's tail... @.@

不曉得什麼原因,小妞忽然很害怕上舞蹈班,連續好幾個禮拜了,進到舞蹈室的首十分鐘內她一定哭一場才漸漸進入狀況 >,<

“Yea, Koko loves dancing, Koko can learn from Barney at home, no need to go dancing class...”

晚上,媽咪跟小妞提起過兩天就要帶她乘搭飛機回家鄉迎接姑姑的小貝比,所以接著兩個星期都不能去gynmastics 和舞蹈班了。這時輪到小妞趁機告訴媽咪:
“Mummy no need to go dancing class anymore, because Koko already finished the last one!…… so mummy don't need to pay for dancing class…… but mummy must pay to MeiLing teacher (her gymnastics coach)ya!! ”


【ALOHA :D。小妞,扭扭】

 October 24, 2011 旱 。雨

想過用乳酪片修當皮膚, 也想過用白米飯捏成飯糰娃娃;

Iroko has been influenced deeply by Barney series.
Recently, she loves folk dances so much...
The Hula is one of her regular exercise choices now!

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes & orange (starter) + mashed potato + steamed French beans +  Yacon soup

“Mummy, you want to dance like Koko?But mummy is wearing pants, mummy doesn't have skirt like Koko one!。。。Or Koko buy for mummy? But mummy is too big, cannot fit!Never mind when mummy becomes smaller like a baby, then mummy can wear the skirt。。。”


“Can, mummy must eat a lot of rice, noodles... then you will become smaller!”@_@ 



【Sun-bathing ( ' j ' ) 。夏日炎炎。。。正好發呆】

May 12, 2011 Finally the tap water gets cold 終於降溫了,涼!

 The original plan was to make "cacing" (earthworms) popping out from sweetcorns, but it's (cacing) just too simple & dull, nothing about visual effect '~'

Unconciously, mummy moulded the mashed potatoe into an elephant!!
*happy lunch* includes:
Mashed potatoe + steamed sweetcorns & cauliflower & broccoli + seaweed soup
Perhaps, the weather is getting better, not too hot & stuffy today, Iroko's appetite has also returned ;D She finished 90% of the meal (1 large size potatoe + 1/2 cup of sweetcorns + 2 stalks of cauliflower & broccoli + 1 full bowl of soup)--mummy helped her to clear the other 2 cauliflower & brocolli.


比如媽咪提醒她洗澡洗太久了,該起來了,她就跟媽咪“殺價”,“One more time shampoo, okay? Ok larrr... ”

又比如她的雪糕癮來時,她會先“開條件”說服媽咪,“Only one okay? Promise!”

又或者,她想要爹地帶她去公園玩滑梯,她會先下手為強,“Tonight daddy brings koko to tortoise park (Taman Bukit Jalil)?”, 爹地還來不及反應,她就說,“PROMISE!”

聽起來好像有點過分,但那小妞,通常都只是說說而已,而媽咪也有自己的“太極拳” 來應付小妞,嗬嗬嗬。。。。

【‘雞’遇上‘蛋’。Chicken & the Egg】

2011年1月19日 晴。月圓


但準備午餐的時候還是“過意不去”(或心有不甘?)地做了個簡單的*happy meal*給女兒 ;)

【‘雞’遇上‘蛋’ 。Chicken & the Egg】
雖然一天下來很忙,很累,但很開心,因為女兒吃得很開胃,玩得很開心 ;)

【Healthy "Doughnut" 。“咸咸圈”】

Jan. 26, 2011 Cloudy

Iroko falls in love with doughnut since she tasted the J-brand's doughnuts the other day. Undoubtedly, their doughnuts are always tempting. Even mummy loves them too >,< Unfortunately Iroko ought to avoid this kind of unhealthy confectionary to prevent her 4 broken front milk teeth get further decayed!

Doesn't matter, mummy got a tricky idea here!!

【Healthy "Doughnut"!】
No frying, no sugar, no artificial taste!
Mainly because the little one is having constipation these few days ;( mummy has to ban rice in order to make sure Iroko won't get severe dehydrated. And mashed potato is always an ideal food whenever she has this problem.

Iroko got "cheated" again! kkeekkkeee

On top of the main course, mummy also prepared Iroko's favourite seaweed soup to increase her fluid intake.
A kid's "inputs" and "outputs" are always critical issues that annoy all "baby sitters"!! phewwwww....

"Mummy!!!! One more doughnut pleaseeeee!!


【The Blonde 。金髮美眉】

October 21, 2011 Raining soon... @ 15:48pm

This is another non-cartoon *happy meal*.
Iroko called the blonde "po po" (her grandma) because they both got love handles >,<""
It (the meal) doesn't mean to satirize, indeed! To mummy, that is a language of motherly, a symbol of debonair ^.^

Honestly, the *happy lunch* is specially designed to remember mummy's mummy! Simply miss her...
Because of giving birth to her six children, she gained such a figure for the later part of her life!!

The quality of the Russet potato mummy bought this round is really good! Other than the natural sweetness, it gives very fine and smooth texture after being mashed.

In order to differentiate the hair and skin, which was quite pale, little amount of Milo (type of chocolate & malt powder, similar to Vico, etc.) was added to the mashed potato. Unexpectedly, the chocolate flavour mashed potato tastes gooooooood!!! yum yum ^.^v

*happy lunch* includes:
Apple (starter) + boiled quail eggs + mashed potato +
steamed broccoli, baby corn & cauliflower + winter melon soup
“Koko pandai hor, finished the dinner by yourself (她自己),no need mummy feeds.... Koko is a good girl!But mummy is not a good girl... :-( ”


Because mummy got angry!!That's not nice, you know?!” >_<"'


話說小妞不喜歡花灑灑在她頭上的感覺,昨天洗澡時,小妞在浴缸裡享受泡泡浴,媽咪就用花灑幫她把頭上的泡沫洗乾淨,結果由於她的雙手都沾滿泡沫,無法擦去臉上的水,於是氣急敗壞的她就呱呱叫STOP STOP!!



【What a Piquant Treat !! 。越吃越餓的小甜點】

2011年10月20日 陰霾裡藏不住的喜悅 *u*

這是唯一一個媽咪百試百靈的食譜 ^.^v
無論是藍莓還是這一次的檸檬口味,都讓人滿意 ^.^v
唯一要被打折的是印象分--賣相不是很好 ^~^

就是這個硅胶模具的處女之作 ;)
因為第一次用硅胶模具(silicon baking mold),不曉得硅胶的傳熱功能原來真的是名不虛傳!再加上那毛毛蟲狀的模型,導致那些凸起來的部分都稍微烤焦了>_《

有點焦,得上點粉來遮醜 >,<

檸檬酸加上額外的糖粉反而把蛋糕的味道襯托得更完整了 ^.^v

哎呀,怎麼會忘了罂粟籽(poppy seeds)>.<


Lemon Yogurt Butter Cake Recipe
A) 125g - Butter
     1 cup- Sugar (80% filled/about 160g-170g) [cut down to 140g.]

     Grated lemon zest from 1 normal size lemon

B) 3 large eggs (at room temperature)

C) 2 cups - Plain flour (250g.) [ replaced with cake flour, and it worked out well]
     2 tsp   - Baking powder
     ¼ tsp - Salt
D) 1 small tub Yogurt (125g-150g) + milk = 1 cup
     1 cup - Yogurt (either plain or flavoured) (160g--170g)
     1 tsp  -  Lemon juice (optional)

E) 1½ cups - Fresh blueberries [omitted because mummy expected a pure lemon cake]

Lemon glaze: lemon juice from 1 lemon + 1 to 2 tbsp sugar. Cook over low heat until sugar dissolves.
Add 2 or 3 tbsp if you cannot take tangy/sour taste!

Let's do it:
**Preheat your oven at 180C as you start your work.

1) Beat (A) till creamy and fluffy.
2) Add (B), one at a time, mix well before each addition.
3) Fold in manually (C) alternate with (D) in 3 to 4 additions, beat till just incorporated.
4) Pour the batter in a greased 9"x5" loaf pan; arrange (E) on top but DO NOT PRESS!
5) Bake at 180C for 50-60 mins or until a skewer inserted and comes out clean [I got mine done in 45min.).
6) Pour over and brush lemon glaze on top. Let the hot cake stands in pan for 5 to 10min. Cool on wire rack.

Recipe Source: Cake.Bake.Love


【It's Hedgehog Again ;p 。又見刺猬】

October 19, 2011 Stormy weather >_<

*happy lunch* includes:
Fresh tomato (starter)  + pan fried tomato & spring onion egg +
steamed cheese sausage + stir fried spinach with minced meat + English gourd soup
This is the third one. We had mini carrot hedgehogs and large orange hedgehog visited Iroko in the past.
Why hedgehog again? The reason may be somewhat far-fetched ;p
... because this little creature is cute (to mummy ;p)
... because mummy is not confident enough to produce nice photos using the antique digital camera, that would only waste her effort /o\ ;p

hoho (神明)保佑平安,快高長大,嗯嗯(上大號)沒有cry,哎呀,but Koko yik yik yek yek a bit just now when Koko en en!  Sorry huh hoho,but Koko didn't cry what! ” >_<


【A Flower for You ' V ' 。送你一朵小花 ^u^】

October 18, 2011 Cloudy rainy

密布的烏雲擋不住燦爛的微笑 ;>
Mummy was "lost" when preparing the meal.
As the photo shooting was done, she was wondering why she did not use a dark colour plate--the visual effect of the photos would definitely be much better!
... but... no no no, she changed  the plate to the white one because she actually planned to make a furry koala (cover the surface of bread with chicken floss)!!
sighhhhhhh '~'
arghhhhhh >_<

Anyway, with mummy's poor photography skills, with limited knowledge of the antique digital camera, without the help of DSLR, the ultimate outcome (visual effect wise) might not improve much... ;(

小妞韻律操學院停車場裡的發票機(parking ticket dispenser machine)和自動付款機(autopay machine)都是具備感應器而且還會“說話”。每當車子靠近發票機,有人走近自動付款機時,那些機器都會先打招呼,再給予指示。

“iee, how come the machine can talk?So funny!”

“ohh, because the machine eats a lot of parking tickets!Then can talk ^.^v... Like Koko eat so much, then can jump up high, can do star jumps。。。But machine cannot eat rice, noodles, porridge。。。 you know mummy?”


【Cheerful Day ^.^ 。天天好天!】

October 17, 2011 A day with smiling sun!

CHEERS!!! Although it's MONDAY!! 
Egg is one of the most popular materials for preparing Iroko's *happy meals*.
Especially hard boiled eggs--always give a huge room of imagination + creativity ^^
Of course, Iroko loves to eat eggs but definitely not the yolks of hard boiled eggs >,<
She simply doesn't like the texture...

Ready?Say ‘cheeseeeee’!!
Since it's established fourteen months ago, for the first time, mummy invited quail eggs to perform at {ma-masak}.
Iroko was somewhat unsure if those oval thingy are egg when she first saw them @.@

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries (starters) + quail eggs + cheddar cheese +  pan fried sausage
dried noodles with mushroom sauce + carrot + boiled broccoli & sweet corn
沒有雞蛋的雞蛋麵 o_0

因為常常看到電視節目裡的哥哥姐姐騎在馬背上載歌載舞,小妞一直都躍躍欲試。可是,那一次帶她到動物園,看到活生生的馬兒時,她就退縮了 >_<''' 

“Do you (她自己)dare to ride horse?... Of course you won't cry... ” 

哇塞,竟然敢說 OF COURSE!! >.<



【The Memory of English Afternoon Tea 。回味英式下午茶】

2011年10月15日 大熱天

Raisin & Cranberry scones ^.^V


食譜是面子書的一位網友飄洋過海分享的。第一次試做成功後就認定了這個食譜 ^.^v 只因為它讓媽咪找回了那種味道和口感。。。和本地烘培店賣的比較,是有過之而無不及的!


* yields 16 medium size scones

A) 2   cups (220g)   Self raising flour      
     1/2 cup (60g)     Plain flour (or all purpose flour) 

B) 1/2 tsp Baking powder
     1/2 tsp Salt
     1 tbsp  Icing sugar

     4 tbsp  Rosemary (dried) [I replaced with raisins and cranberries)

C) 1/2 cup (115g) Chilled unsalted butter (cut into small cubes)

D) 3/4 cup (180ml) Milk
    1pcs                   Egg (lightly beaten) 

For glazing:
1 egg, beated and add 1 tbsp milk

Let's do it!!
1. Preheat oven at 205C. Line baking tray.

2. Sieve together self raising flour & the plain flour. Add in (B)--baking powder, icing sugar, salt, and rosemary, mix well.

3. Use fingertips to rub the flour mixture and chilled butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs or lumpy.

4.  Make a well at the centre of the mixture, slowly add in (D)--milk and egg. Mix well very gently using spatula.
**DO NOTOVERMIX or the scones will turn out very hard!! >.<

5. Sprinkle some flour on the tabletop. Gently knead the dough on the flour; pat the dough to make it 1.5" thick. Divide the dough into 16 pieces. Shape each dough to become round. Arrange on the lined baking tray. Glaze with egg&milk mixture.

6. Bake in preheated oven at 205C for about 15min. (duration may vary from one oven to another).

DONE!! ;)


【Durian Muffins 。沒有滿分的榴蓮“滿分”】

October 14, 2011 Bad weather??... hazy, frowsty, blur blur @.@


果然,沒有榴蓮應該有的濃厚味道 ;(
烘出來的鬆糕有點紮實+潮濕,沒有媽咪想要的“鬆” ;(

It seems bugs love Iroko so much because they very often drop by {ma-masak}even without invitation/expectation from mummy or Iroko. The *happy breakfast* was originally planned to be butterflies. Unfortunately, they turned out displeasingly no matter how hard mummy tried to beautify them... '~' ... until the bug-rescue-team appeared and got mummy & the butterflies off the hook >,<

So, here is another bugs meal...

*happy breakfast* includes:
Durian muffins

小妞的爹地很愛整小妞,尤其是小妞最“脆弱”,最經不起“考驗” (疲倦要睡,開始無法控制脾氣)時,就特別想激她。

“I'm so sad... Mummy and Koko got no more bed, no more place to sleep... Daddy is too big, cannot sleep on koko's bed...” 給轟了下來 >,<

“NO~ ~ ~ Daddy, please don't sleep on Koko's bed!!! 不要~ ~ ~ ” @.@


【Let's Go Circus 。到馬戲團看表演去!】

October 13, 2011 High temp + bright + blue sky + white clouds

Elephant is one of Iroko's favourite animals and she has greater preference over this clumsy cute animal when she saw Barney repeatedly sings the elephant song and performs the elephant dance.
Continuing from the previous *happy meals* of the current week, today's *happy lunch* remains the spirit of "simplisticism" ;p

Daddy bought these mini potatoes from Cameron Highlands last week.
Better finish them as soon as possible before the growth of green tuber/new sprouts @.@
No joke, it took less than 7min. to complete the arrangement / decor of the meal. The most demanding part was to peel the potatoe skin >@<
Look!!! The smallest potatoe is even smaller than a small size fish ball!!!

*happy lunch* includes:
Banana (starter) + mashed potatoe + durian muffin +
+ hard boiled egg + steamed French beans + seaweed fish balls soup 
昨天下午小妞午睡醒來後,媽咪陪她在露台看了一會兒天空,就開始忙著準備晚餐;晚餐後又忙著清洗碗碟,再給小妞洗澡,再去洗她的衣服(手洗,所以很慢),接著又曬衣服,收衣服,折衣服,跟著又燙衣服 @.@

Mummy, what are you doing? Why are you so busy?” O_O



【Lovely Company 。兩小無猜】

October 12, 2011 The sky is blue-ing...

Just couldn't tell which part went wrong o.0
Why does the male one look like a rat instead of Kitty Cat??

The eyes? Let's replace them with oval shape eyes (see the last picture) 
Time flies, it's middle of the week again...
This is so far the most "'not-so-simple" (because it's "not-so--complicated‘ either ;p) *happy meal* ^-^

As the Kitty was drafted (weeks ago), the original plan was to convert it into a 3-D hard boiled egg Kitty with sweet pink dress. However, it seems the motion and sense didn't go parallel >,<
Well, make it as back up plan when mummy runs out of idea ^.^v

By the way, mummy didn't know that Hello Kitty already got married!!!
(a cute friend of mummy informed her about the news via FB few minutes ago)
Kitty husband is Dear Daniel, who resembles Kitty's features except the hair (he has some hair on top).
What a coincidence, Daniel and the male cat mummy made look alike ;)

*happy lunch* includes:
Dried cranberries (starter) + fish balls + water cress soup
馬麻豆腐飯 (mama tofu rice--tofu & carrot & amaranth & minced chicken in vegetarian oyster sauce)

“Meow meow, let me take some photos for you!.... why you didn't smile?? You must smile, okay? Otherwise not nice you know?!!”

大家一起笑一個吧!! ^u*


【Sharing the Woe 。共患難】

October 11, 2011 Hazy Cloudy Sun-less Rain-less (什麼怪天氣 >,<)

It's "gymnastics day" today, bet Iroko wouldn't have mood to bother about her *happy lunch* =.=
To avoid mummy's effort gets in vain, thus mummy made her this 5-min-easy-to-do simple breakfast ;p
(even the mouth of those bears were ommitted @.@)
... and in fact, the work of selecting, editting photos and writing the blog is even more time-consuming >,<

“Koko want to help mummy to off the COMPUTER!”

“No... that one...”

喔,原來她指的是熱水器!!! @_@

在她第一次接觸熱水器時媽咪就向她介紹那是“HEATER”;可是到現在那小妞還是不能把那東西的名字牢牢記住 >@<
要說她差勁,但至少她記得電腦和熱水器在稱呼上都有個“共同點”---都是以 -TER收尾


【A Simple Fine Day 。鳥語花香】

October 10, 2011 When the Sun met the Rain...

Sometimes, living a day without special mission/motive is fine...
... and that always brings carefree joys to life,
... and that always is the easiest way to bring life with surprises ^^

This chirpy *happy breakfast* is another simple work precedes plan of the day...
小妞絕對是個百分百感性的女生,之前有提過她每次看到電視裡出現傷心/哭泣的場面,她十之八九也會跟著一起哭。而且流的還是真眼淚!! >.<

“What happened to the cats?” 就哭得梨花帶淚了 T_T


【Cat-Like FOX >_< 。狸?貓?】

October 07, 2011 Remains the same... raining now....

*happy breakfast*
At the first sight, Iroko labeled this animal as CAT >,<
... because of the long whiskers?!
The kitchen is closed today after breakfast because Iroko needed to go shopping with grandma in the afternoon ^.^v
... and because it's Friday!! The weekend eve!! ^.^v (mummy has switched her mood to holiday mode ;p)


昨天到了晚上臨睡前小妞才把忍了一整天的“黃金” 給嗯出來 >_<
“ieee... en en looks like a bird!”

“huh??Like daddy's bird-bird?”

“Nooooo!!It's real bird. Can fly in the sky one!!” 一邊說還一邊拍動她的“翅膀”飛給媽咪看 ;p

oppps... 好的好的,媽咪一定會好好檢討自己 ;p


【King of the Snow White Kingdom 。白雪獅子王】

October 06, 2011 Shady sky wet weather

The lion appeared last week gave mummy some degrees of emotional baggage, and she was still carrying around with her until the presence of this white lion ^.^v At least this is a satisfactory one ;)
White lion seems far more adorable and tender, doesn't it?

In fact, mummy was unsure if there is white lion in real world (didn't do any research prior to the making of today's *happy lunch* ;p). White lions do exist!! They are rare though.

By the way, mere white rice-chicken floss-mix is so yummmmmm ;)

*happy lunch* includes:
Steamed cheese sausage + stir fried mustard + sweet corn soup + chicken floss
“Koko 沒有怕怕,pandai hor!”
說著的同時,雖然目不轉睛地追隨著那飛行物體的行踪,可是卻緊緊地把媽咪/爹地抱著 >.<

雖然搭了好幾次飛機,但何時何刻講到飛機,小妞就只會說她要搭飛機去BALI島。好像飛機只能飛去巴厘島似的 >.<

(因為那一次的family trip真的很熱鬧,有公公婆婆大姨二姨舅舅表哥表姐同伴 ^^)


【Venetian Mask 。威尼斯的神話】

October 05, 2011 Wet windy day

Cute and happy cartoon characters are common icon of {ma-masak}; it very seldom collects something like this one -.-

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries from Cameron Highlands
+ mini potatoes from Cameron Highlands
+ sweet corn from Cameron Highlands
+ hard boiled egg + Engllish gourd soup
Iroko kept asking mummy what is that, yet she didn't seem uncomfortable with her *happy lunch* because there are two Venetian mask fridge magnets at home. In fact, she has gotten used to see them but she was curious to know what they are and how should she "address" them.

卸下eye mask,看起來真的很滑稽 >,<
今天要記錄的不是小妞說過的話,而是她讓媽咪很窩心的一些舉動 ^^

兒童教育系列Barney有一首經典(對那紫色小恐龍的小粉絲們來說)的片尾曲:I love you You love me We're happy family With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you Won't you say you love me too ....
通常看Barney時,小妞都很專心地自個兒在那裡跟著唱歌+跳舞,完全不理會媽咪。可是,每當小妞聽到那首片尾曲,不管媽咪在哪裡,她一定奔向媽咪,抱抱媽咪,唱到 “...a kiss from me to you...” 時,就豎起腳尖,用力地把身子往上伸,再用雙唇輕輕貼著媽咪的唇。。。



【Mood-less Work。意興闌珊之作】

October 04, 2011 Rainyyyyyyyy

Simply feel lazy...

Simply need a break...
Simply feel mood-less to stay in the kitchen...
Thank you birdie for lending your ears ;)

The kitchen (as well as mummy's motivation) has shut down since last Saturday. Until today, mummy actually didn't plan to produce *happy meal* >,< 
... but seems that Iroko so gets used and expects to have her *happy meals* every weekday >.<

She started to "miss" (mummy assumed) her *happy meal* today--when she played her mamasak (cooking), she was talking to herself: "Let Koko do some cooking for you... ermm, what do you want to eat today? Giraffe? Or..... cat?"
There and then, mummy felt so bad and so sorry for the little one >,<
Thus, despite her laziness and mood-less-ness, mummy made a simple one to soothe her guiltiness and to satisfy Iroko ;p 

*happy dinner* includes:
Strawberries + pancakes with cheddar cheese, honey, chicken floss, raisins, & chocolate toppings
“Mummy do you still have money?”

“Can you share your money with mummy?”

“What do you want to buy?”

