
【A Flower for You ' V ' 。送你一朵小花 ^u^】

October 18, 2011 Cloudy rainy

密布的烏雲擋不住燦爛的微笑 ;>
Mummy was "lost" when preparing the meal.
As the photo shooting was done, she was wondering why she did not use a dark colour plate--the visual effect of the photos would definitely be much better!
... but... no no no, she changed  the plate to the white one because she actually planned to make a furry koala (cover the surface of bread with chicken floss)!!
sighhhhhhh '~'
arghhhhhh >_<

Anyway, with mummy's poor photography skills, with limited knowledge of the antique digital camera, without the help of DSLR, the ultimate outcome (visual effect wise) might not improve much... ;(

小妞韻律操學院停車場裡的發票機(parking ticket dispenser machine)和自動付款機(autopay machine)都是具備感應器而且還會“說話”。每當車子靠近發票機,有人走近自動付款機時,那些機器都會先打招呼,再給予指示。

“iee, how come the machine can talk?So funny!”

“ohh, because the machine eats a lot of parking tickets!Then can talk ^.^v... Like Koko eat so much, then can jump up high, can do star jumps。。。But machine cannot eat rice, noodles, porridge。。。 you know mummy?”

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