
【What You Want VS What Is Done 。理想與現實】

September 29, 2011 Rain has gone away...


It is not unusual that what we desire/have in mind and what we've gotten are incompatible ^~^
A "fantastic" name was decided for the lion according to the sketch--【Lion on Fire 。紅燒獅子頭】...
Unfortunately, the work done somehow does not match the name ?! o,0
(wondering whether the outcome would be better if same colour candies were used)
The only consolation is that Iroko could tell it is a LION!! (^.^)v

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries (starter) + animal pasta with mushroom sauce + fish balls + miso soup
Supposedly, Iroko should like mashed tomatoe sauce for pasta because she loves tangy sweet/sweet&sour t food and fruits. Mummy have tried to cook that twice but she simply does not like it (",)

剛開始買《我的天才寶貝》(《Brainy Baby》,英文幼兒教育系列)給小妞時,她看了幾次就不再看了。

Mummy has oval face, Koko is round, daddy is BALL!!”
(哇哈哈哈哈哈。。。。。daddy is ball!)

就小妞來說,或多或少受了Brainy Baby的影響,她對周遭環境人事物的敏感度+觀察力都加強了--因為想找機會活學活用+得到大人的肯定 ^.^v


【Bathing Time ^O^ 。洗白白】

September 28, 2011 Sunny with clear sky ^.^v

Hippo has not turned up in {ma-masak} since its last presence half a year ago. To mummy, that hippo is a failure because it resembles the features of a pig rather than a hippo >,<
Over the past few months, mummy seriously took it to heart... and today the promise is fulfilled. Here comes the lady hippo in her bath o(^,*)o
Whether or not this creature deserves the name "hippo", it is no longer on the "must-do" list >,<

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries + mashed potatoe + steamed broccoli & cauliflower +hard boiled egg + seaweed soup


“Koko pandai hor!?!en en didn't cry !”

不單如此,每一次快要“破蛹而出”時,那小妞就顯得特別期待+興奮,等著看嗯嗯如何“坐滑梯”掉下水 >,<

“en en, en en where are you, can you show me where you are?...”
(改編自英文童謠《Fishes, Fishes, Where are you?》)

“Mummy, why is en en hiding?”

hehehe...en en paisei (福建話:害羞)!!” >,<


【Happy Birthday, Daddy! 。爹地,生日快樂 ^^】

September 27, 2011 What a FULL day ^^ -  >.< - *u^ - @.@

There's no *happy meal* for Iroko today ;p
Yes, because it's daddy's birthday!
It is another eventful day!
It is Iroko's day (^^)v
(attended gym class)
It is a freak out day for mummy >,<
(mummy had her 1st ever root canal therapy!! 
What a miserable + terrifying experience!!)

Durian birthday cake for daddy's 36th birthday!
To a certain degree, there is a little disappointment because the cheesecake was not sufficiently baked, the inside is not solid enough '^' albeit it tastes "solid".

Due to post root canal discomfort & soreness, mummy became so mood-less to do a better decor with more details >,< 
Ended up, the cake was hastily touched up with daddy's and daughter's favourite ;p

Daddy said red egg is a must for birthday!
Let's spend our "only--two-of-us" sweet time without the little one ;p
Happy birthday, 老公!
昨天忙著準備生日蛋糕的材料時,媽咪問小妞要送什么生日禮物給爹地。小妞就說她已經畫了好多個 ('v') (smiley faces)給爹地。媽咪就問可不可以再寫上一句 I LOVE YOU,因為只有幾個笑臉,好像不足夠表示她很愛爹地。小妞還是一貫地告訴媽咪她不會(她總是對自己沒什麼信心)。

Or give daddy hug hug, can or not? ”

這應該也是很甜蜜的生日禮物吧?! ^^
(反正爹地要得是foldable bicycle,不是小妞那三歲小孩玩的scooter ;p)


【Sleeping Piglet 。睡豬】

September 26, 2011 Cloudy windy day

Early in the morning, daddy informed that he needed the camera for his work today. Since then, the day became so dull for mummy to prepare *happy meal*. To mummy, it's rather a challenging task to capture nice photos with that "pad" >,<

Even until this moment, mummy feels somewhat reluctant to post the blog ;s

Well, good or bad, it's done, it will be over, and it will be forgotten sooner or later...

小妞死愛臉,怕丟臉是絕對不容置疑的 >,<
每當她自己不小心絆倒,出糗時,要是她察覺身邊有人看到,二話不說,她就“先下手為強”,大聲哭出來,分散人家的注意力,同時博取同情 >.<

現在,那小妞則是不管三七二十一,先開口說:“DON'T SAY!” <( \__/ )>,

真的有夠無賴 >,<

那天她又命令她爹地不要說,結果媽咪和爹地就故意一直有說有笑,偏偏不和她說話,才不消幾分鐘,小妞就發起悶騷說:“Please talk!” (跟她說話)



【Battle of Beettle Bugs。廚房四“寶”】

September 23, 2011 At last, it's the Sun's turn ^^

Ladybug always has the privilege to show up in {ma-masak}, but not other bugs.
At last, it's the turn for these "yuck" (disgusting) bugs after such a long queue (‘u’)v

They are not beans, not black dates either, but RAISIN, more specifically--jumbo raisin!!
Grandpa always gets ready with something Iroko loves to eat to welcome his grandaughter's return to hometown. The last trip, grandpa got a container of giant raisins! For the first time mummy saw this type of abnormal rainsins >,<
They are just too huge as compared to others--almost triple the size!! See the evidence below!

Left: Normal size raisin
Right: Jumbo size raisin
*happy dinner* includes:
Noodles with homemade thick mushroom sauce & minced meat
小妞第一個會拼的英文詞彙不是IROKO,不是SOONG YU ROU(自己的名字),不是DADDY也不是MUMMY。但竟然是Johnson Suisse(廁所用具品牌)!!
可是由兩歲開始到現在,都還是只會這個 >.<

唯一會變通的是告訴brother John(她的表哥)他的名字是:“J-O-H-N!!”


【Contrast Match 。黑白配】

September 22, 2011 Humid hazy rainy cloudy...

Rat + Cat = Disaster??
Nothing is impossible ;)
They were supposed to be "black-matches-yellow" but the pan fried egg was not thin enough to perfectly wrap up the rice ball. As a result, here comes the contrast match ;p

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes & cherry tomatoes (starter) + fried egg +  cabbage fish ball soup +
braised cauliflower, black fungus, oyster mushroom,  enoki mushroom & broccoli stalk
因為小妞, 媽咪終於有機會真正欣賞一部聞名已久的經典歌舞劇‘The Sound of Music’ 。
記得中學時期因為電視台重播,那電影又被翻熱了一輪。也忘了自己是否有看過,只知道對劇情一點印象也沒有 ;p

女兒的爸念了好久說要讓女兒看這出真人真事文藝片,那時媽咪還潑冷水說小妞怎麼會看上那種“古董”作品 =.=
結果買回來後,媽咪就被爹地的冰水由頭淋到腳 #.#


DOE, a deer, a female deer
RAY, a drop of golden sun
ME, a name I call myself
FAR, a long long way to run
SEW, a needle pulling thread
LA, a note to follow sew
TEA, a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to DOE ooo...

看了不下20次,小妞都還是只記得DOE 和ME那兩句而已 >.<

Now you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything~~~”


【Happy Birthday, grandpa 。爺爺,生日快樂 ^^】

September 21, 2011 Another rainy day... but with bright moods ;D

爺爺是大鼠, Koko是小鼠^u^
Yes, those are prawns on the "cake"--rice with cheddar cheese topping decorated with  chocolate rice.
This is specially for grandfather!!  Happy birthday, 爺爺!!

In fact mummy spent longer time to configure the "key person" of the meal. Yet, the birthday cake took longer time when putting the plan in place ;p ...

看清楚了吧?! ^^
Mummy has some experience playing around with rice. The rice topped with cheese was not that easy to handle though. The  single slice of cheese imposes more weight to the rice after being heated up by microwave and the front and back of the cake started to sink especially when the prawns and berries were set in place >.<
... there and then only mummy realised she was not decorating a real cake!! ;-p

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes & blueberries (starter) + stir fried French beans & prawns +
hard boiled egg + sweet corns soup
小妞近來對汽車名字有點興趣,可是她對車型的辨識能力有點遜,常常都顛三倒四  '~'
很多時候,在她眼裡很多車都變成了像媽咪的車款,左邊那輛是Vios,前面的是Vios,跟在後面的,右邊的也是Vios @.@

黑色的不是爹地的,就是姑丈或叔叔的車 #.#

白色的不是小姨就是奶舅的車 @.@

所有的 “too-big-car” (她給 MPV起的稱號)都是爹地老闆的車。。。 >.<

【From the Pinnacle 。站在高崗上】

September 20, 2011 Cloudy rainy cloudy rainy cloudy...

Despite the vivid colours, it was the shape of those cherry tomatoes attracted mummy at the first sight. For seconds, mummy was trapped into her little {ma-masak} world of imagination ;p Until an aunt reminded her that she's blocking others ;p
Nonetheless, the "outputs" are completely incompatible with the "input" ;p
(the original idea was BUGs)

The greengrocer highly recommended these cherry tomatoes. Somehow, she was kinda ('O') and ('~') while pondering how to charge mummy for those 8 pieces of tomatoes (an obasan before mummy bought a whole basket with +-100pieces for RM 3.00). It was so awkward ;p so mummy picked another few... but the greengrocer didn't seem satisfied too ;p
She's right though; the cheery tomatoes are fresh and tangy sweet. Iroko is attracted by their bright colours too and finished three in a row before the meal.

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries & cherry tomatoes (starter) + fried egg +
stir fried french beans &  4-angled beans (四角豆) + sweet corn soup

雖然小妞還未上幼兒園,但媽咪已經看到了‘先兆’!不知怎麼的,那小妞就是特別地心儀gymnastics class裡的一位助教--teacher MeiLin。(說實在,那老師的確是人美聲甜^^,比起其他教練,她就是特別有愛心^^)

現在,小妞喜歡玩角色扮演(幻想她在gym class),常常自問自答:
“Do you know what is my name/who am I?…… Yes, I'm MeiLin……Hiiiii,MeiLin!”

“Can you tell me what is your name?”
“Noooo, you are MeiLin!…… 嗨,MeiLin!……”

媽咪開始有“危機感”了…… 明年那小妞正式上學後,不曉得媽咪說的話還有沒有分量?! ;s


【Escape 。漏網之魚】

September 19, 2011 Delightfully cool with showery rain

Original sketch of Tigger
(yes, nothing wrong with the spelling, it's the tiger's name)
a friend of Winnie the Pooh
Tigger is another friend been placed on the waiting list when Winnie the Pooh was called to join {ma-masak}. Until mummy bought the Pastazoo Animaletti, the whole picture of today's *happy lunch* was eventually visualised.
It's mummy “cranky” hobby to buy/try different types of rice, noodles, and pastas. @.@

The pasta is truly good! Other than being presentable, or rather to say it's catchy & attractive to young eaters, texture wise it is chewy and solid! Unlike most pastas, which taste somewhat tasteless, Pastazoo carries light salty taste. So no salt needs to be added when cooking as usual. In short, worth trying!

*happy lunch* includes:
Mashed potatoe & sweet potatoe & carrot + pasta with white sauce +
steamed baby French beans + pan fried sausage + miso soup with oyster mushroom
整個下午,小妞說要午睡,把媽咪“騙上床”好幾次,豈知她越躺越精神,又爬起來繼續看Barney,Hi-5,玩Scooter,puzzle,彩色,畫畫 …… >.<


Mummy, smile please! Don't 罵罵,otherwise Koko go away, then mummy 怕怕and cry!” 我的天哪!! @.@


【IROKO is THREE 。第1095天】

September 18, 2011 A rainy merry birthday ^.^

It is the same cake as last year's birthday--pavlova, ordered by the daddy! To make it different from the previous celebration, mummy played around with the toppings--the fruits. Initially mummy planned to make Angry Birds with fondant but that seems too "artificial" -- too much of sweetness, preservative and colourings >.<  (a very convincing excuse for mummy's laziness ;p)

It's a 3-person (daddy, mummy and Iroko) party...
but with a gang of Iroko's cute buddies!!


來,我 ‘沙洋’(sayang)妳, 媽咪!”

Happy happy birthday
to ME!!


【DumBo 。小飛象】

September 16, 2011 Rainy Malaysia Day

一樣的飯,用筷子吃好像特別好吃 ^^

Making decision among a few choices is always a dilemma--when having herself to decide which design to be used for Iroko's *happy meal*!! Mummy found herself on the horn of that dilemma quite often /o\
It happened again today /O\
In fact she already had an idea for the lunch; yet, mummy willy-nilly spent 15min. washing, cleaning, chopping, cutting, shredding, peeling... but, after much wavering, she finally gave up the original plan @.@ and worked out something else ;p
Anyway, it's always better to have more ideas than no idea ^.*

Mummy came across a Cabbage Rice recipe share by a wonderful friend sometime ago.
Until yesterday those images of  Cabbage Rice from the original source flashed through again... 
*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries + cabbage rice (with minced meat & carrot & basil leaves) +
amaranth  fish balls soup +  braised yam bean with assorted veggies & mushroom(燴沙葛) 
“Only mummy sees dentist, Koko no need……”

“Koko's teeth broken,so black, not nice, like dinosaurs' teeth…… 可憐哦……But no worry,new white teeth will grow when Koko grow up!” ^.^v

那些小妞還蠻阿Q的嘛 ;-)


【Happy Angry Bird ^u*。快樂的憤怒鳥 】

September 14, 2011 What A Shopping Day ^^

今天本來是打算休假一天,因為約好了小妞的二姨去逛街慶生 ^.^v
因為出現了一段小插曲,結果媽咪就用了非一般的速度,火速地弄了一份簡單的憤怒鳥早餐 ( 'v' ) 。。。

一早起來,睡眼惺忪的小妞就要媽咪給她“念經” @.@

“Mummy,let's read 人之初。”
“Mummy, 為什麼姐姐罵罵(生氣)?” (下圖)

雖然有點疑惑(因為怎麼看,都不覺得那‘姐姐’在生氣),媽咪還是跟小妞解釋“ 姐姐沒有罵罵呀!”
“No, 姐姐is angry!Koko show mummy…… Look at the eye brows,same like the Angry Bird's eye brows! ” 還沒說完就搬出她的憤怒鳥讓媽咪輸得口服心服……



【Sometime ago... 。同桌的妳】

September 13, 2011 Overly hazyyyyyy >.<

誰娶了多愁善感的你  誰看了你的日記  誰把你的長發盤起  誰給你做的嫁衣
Hard boiled egg is always a fabulous "wizard wand" in {ma-masak} series. At once, it used to be so high profile...
In order to explore more fun and more potential wizard wands, it has been "stepping down" for quite some times ;p
Mummy missed it so much especially during that one whole month when Iroko was with chickenpox >.< Finally here comes the powerful magical hard-boiled mummy-&-baby penguins ^^

*happy lunch* includes:
Pasta with white sauce + hard boiled egg + amaranth soup
前陣子婆婆為了要到同善醫院做推拿治療,就到家裡小住了一段日子。那段時間小妞每天一睡醒就跟著媽咪和婆婆到醫院去。座落在市中心的同善醫院,由於人多地少,停車場已經容不下來來往往的車子了。所以在那裡泊車位總是跟運氣掛上等號 @.@
“Got good luck today?”/ “Are we lucky today?”
坦白說,聽她那麼一說,找車位總是希望滿滿,也找得特別開心,特別積極 ^^

“Are we lucky?”
“Lucky lucky!!”

“Helloooo, please don't park, pleeeease!” @.@

Aunty/uncle,it's time to go home!It's Koko's turn to go shopping!”

“Mummy, never mind lar. Just park here / there!” @.@


【When They Met 。邂逅】

September 12, 2011 Blur sky Cloudy weather Hazy air

*Happy breakfast*, precisely speaking--white BREAD, has not shown up in {ma-masak} for quite a while. For such a reason, the initial plan (making a 3-D Donald Duck with rice for lunch) was replaced by this one. Unexpectedly, Iroko woke up slightly early this morning. To avoid the "dame" waiting too long for her breakfast, the top was taken away but made it a big ribbon bow tie (too bad, the shirt is one of Donald duck's trademarks '~' ) .



cin juat,si pek juat!”(真熱,死鬼熱!)opps...媽咪教孩壞子講一些不雅的話 ;p

“Mummy, lu ai ciak mai?” (妳要吃嗎?)

“Mummy, ci lei cin jia sui hor!”(這個很美吧!)

僅僅如此,就讓媽咪覺得很驚喜了 ^^

*專家的話:『在孩子還未開始說話的嬰兒時期,雖然有海綿般無限的吸收能力,可以同時聽懂超過5 中語言,為了避免孩子對語言的混淆,而導致延遲開口說話,父母/照顧孩子的保姆最好習慣性的各自使用一種語言直到孩子有辨識不同語言的能力為止。』

**雖然爹地是客家人,媽咪是潮州人,但他們卻用福建話溝通 @.@


【The Cute Old Pooh Bear 。高齡小可愛,維尼熊】

September 08, 2011 Bright cheerful day

Guess what, Winnie the Pooh is already 86 years old!!
姑姑 has a huge Pooh Bear soft toy at Alor Setar home. Its size is even taller and wider than Iroko!
Whenever we're back in hometown, the Pooh Bear is always the best playmate of Iroko ^^
Although she has been playing with Pooh Bear since she's born, Iroko is yet to know this puffy yellow bear is called 'Winnie the Pooh' @.@

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries & blueberries (starter) + mashed potatoe + steamed broccoli + miso soup
How come the 'hor hor' got one-two-three* so many hands like octopus?!”
@.@  >.<  =_=


*Note: 123 是小妞獨特的“數量形容詞”。One 只是 1個;Two只是2個;Three也只不過是3個;而one-two-three 是很多很多個!! >.<


【True "Toy" Elephants 。真相,假“象”】

Hazzzzeeeee, haizzzzzzzzz ;(

Mummy has a preference over ladybugs--whenever there is any suitable material available in the kitchen, this little lovely insect would certainly have the chance to show up... and the bugs always outshine the "key person" of the meal ;p

*happy lunch* includes:
Stewed chicken & broccoli & cauliflower & carrot & black fungus & fresh mushrooms
The two mushroom-elephants are so ugly >.< Nothing like elephant but look more like PIG with long snout *(^j^)*


“保佑Koko平安,快高長大,嗯嗯沒有cry,shower沒有cry, wake up沒有cry!”,之後還要附上一句 “OKAY?!?!” >.<


【Sunny-ville 。夏日農場】

September 06, 2011 Sunny day

The idea of *Sunny-Ville* was inspired by a lovely cake (decorated with sugar icing animals) baked by a lovely mother for her lovely daughter's 2nd birthday this morning.
The "brain power" has been shut off before the Raya holiday /o\ ... yet, it's still in "hibernate mode" ;p
mmm... what's next for tomorrow...??? '^'

*happy lunch* includes:
Oranges (starter) + steamed fresh mushrooms +
stir fried spinach + seaweed fish-balls soup + candy floss (棉花糖)
Yes, Koko will take care of daddy. Feed daddy Koko's nen nen” >.<



【Barney the Dinosaur 。新小博士,邦尼】

September 05, 2011 Sunshineeeeee....

I love you
You love me
We're a happy family
With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you
Won't you say you love me too
整10天沒有blogging了,雙手在鍵盤徘徊了好久還是沒什麼頭緒要如何開頭。。。 >.<
既然寫不下去,就不勉強了。。。 >.<

*happy lunch* includes:
Mashed potatoe + mashed sweet potatoe +
steamed broccoli & cauliflower + old cucumber soup
今天讓小妞去了kindergym (兒童韻律操的啟蒙班)的trial class ,看看她是否能夠“勝任”,能不能夠適應沒有媽咪貼身陪她上課的那一個小時。雖然小妞依然很期待,依然很興奮,她還是悄悄哭了兩回。。。還在媽咪的耳邊呢喃道:
“Koko wants SMALL GIRL class,don't want BIG GIRL class...” @.@

還好,小妞還是漸漸進入佳境,歡歡喜喜地完成了那堂課 ^^