
【Happy Birthday, Daddy! 。爹地,生日快樂 ^^】

September 27, 2011 What a FULL day ^^ -  >.< - *u^ - @.@

There's no *happy meal* for Iroko today ;p
Yes, because it's daddy's birthday!
It is another eventful day!
It is Iroko's day (^^)v
(attended gym class)
It is a freak out day for mummy >,<
(mummy had her 1st ever root canal therapy!! 
What a miserable + terrifying experience!!)

Durian birthday cake for daddy's 36th birthday!
To a certain degree, there is a little disappointment because the cheesecake was not sufficiently baked, the inside is not solid enough '^' albeit it tastes "solid".

Due to post root canal discomfort & soreness, mummy became so mood-less to do a better decor with more details >,< 
Ended up, the cake was hastily touched up with daddy's and daughter's favourite ;p

Daddy said red egg is a must for birthday!
Let's spend our "only--two-of-us" sweet time without the little one ;p
Happy birthday, 老公!
昨天忙著準備生日蛋糕的材料時,媽咪問小妞要送什么生日禮物給爹地。小妞就說她已經畫了好多個 ('v') (smiley faces)給爹地。媽咪就問可不可以再寫上一句 I LOVE YOU,因為只有幾個笑臉,好像不足夠表示她很愛爹地。小妞還是一貫地告訴媽咪她不會(她總是對自己沒什麼信心)。

Or give daddy hug hug, can or not? ”

這應該也是很甜蜜的生日禮物吧?! ^^
(反正爹地要得是foldable bicycle,不是小妞那三歲小孩玩的scooter ;p)

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