
【From the Pinnacle 。站在高崗上】

September 20, 2011 Cloudy rainy cloudy rainy cloudy...

Despite the vivid colours, it was the shape of those cherry tomatoes attracted mummy at the first sight. For seconds, mummy was trapped into her little {ma-masak} world of imagination ;p Until an aunt reminded her that she's blocking others ;p
Nonetheless, the "outputs" are completely incompatible with the "input" ;p
(the original idea was BUGs)

The greengrocer highly recommended these cherry tomatoes. Somehow, she was kinda ('O') and ('~') while pondering how to charge mummy for those 8 pieces of tomatoes (an obasan before mummy bought a whole basket with +-100pieces for RM 3.00). It was so awkward ;p so mummy picked another few... but the greengrocer didn't seem satisfied too ;p
She's right though; the cheery tomatoes are fresh and tangy sweet. Iroko is attracted by their bright colours too and finished three in a row before the meal.

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries & cherry tomatoes (starter) + fried egg +
stir fried french beans &  4-angled beans (四角豆) + sweet corn soup

雖然小妞還未上幼兒園,但媽咪已經看到了‘先兆’!不知怎麼的,那小妞就是特別地心儀gymnastics class裡的一位助教--teacher MeiLin。(說實在,那老師的確是人美聲甜^^,比起其他教練,她就是特別有愛心^^)

現在,小妞喜歡玩角色扮演(幻想她在gym class),常常自問自答:
“Do you know what is my name/who am I?…… Yes, I'm MeiLin……Hiiiii,MeiLin!”

“Can you tell me what is your name?”
“Noooo, you are MeiLin!…… 嗨,MeiLin!……”

媽咪開始有“危機感”了…… 明年那小妞正式上學後,不曉得媽咪說的話還有沒有分量?! ;s

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