
【Daddy, you missed this "ho liau" 。今日重頭戲:雪蓮果】

April 26, 2011 It's summer day!

雪蓮果(又稱“山雪蓮”,“神果”)就是這個樣子了!!像番薯吧 ;p
When mummy over-heard the auntie next to her (who was so excited and busy choosing this stuff) mentioning the name of this potato-like tuber--山雪蓮,mummy suddenly became so "kiasu" and grabbed one into her basket too (because she thought that this is the “天山雪蓮”(Saussurea/"Snow Lotus")-- the magical medicine that always been used in those martial art action movies to save lives of heros & heroins!)

After doing some research, then only mummy realised the tuber that she bought is YACON/雪蓮果, but NOT what she expected, aakkkaaaaa ;p

However, it's also a surprise!! Yacon is well-known as a kind of supernutritious root vegetable!! It can also be eaten raw as fruit!
It is crispy in texture and sweet in taste. Of course, Yacon is health beneficial!
For Iroko: 
Serves a pre-biotic that helps digestion, thus prevents constipation;
feeds human colon-friendly bacteria, thus improves immune system.
For mummy:
Serves as antioxidant that maintains healthy skin (*u*)V;
regulates blood sugar level & reduces hypertension;
protects liver & lowers the bad cholesterol!!
Seems like the soup becomes the "main course" of the *happy lunch*, hehe... So, we have 3 ducklings as the side dish!
Iroko misses her daddy, who's out for business for > 10days, BADLY....
plane plane, please don't take my daddy away :...(
The *happy lunch* includes:
mashed potatoe + grilled chicken breast + steamed Freach beans & carrot

那小妞除了STARSTOP, 其他‘S’ 開頭的詞,她都沒有辦法把‘S’的音先念出來,總是把它留在後面 >,< 


1 comment:

  1. 看了你的Blog也在一个偶然的机会中买了Yacon,但怎么煮呀?
