
【Golden Indulgence。黃金誘惑】

2011年5月26日 南果飄香的午後 ;)


真的很滿足 :-)。。。因為{媽-masak}烘培室很久沒有像這個那麼讓媽咪驚喜的蛋糕了!
雖然賣相(龜裂的表面)有點“抱歉”,但味道和口感真的。。。無話可說!連平時不怎麼捧場的爹地,也豎起拇指,大贊“可以跟OUG那當butter cake * 媲美”,呵呵呵。。。 (^.^)v

* 隆市裡的某個住宅花園的茶餐室外面專賣butter cakes和marble cake的檔口!價錢蠻貴,但很好吃(至少很合媽咪和她老公口味)!

 Pumpkin Cake Recipe
(intelligence property of Alex Goh posted in My Kitchen)
A) 250g    Unsalted Butter [replaced with Planta]
     180g    Castor Sugar
B) 3 pcs.   Large Eggs
C) 150g    Steamed Pumpkin (mashed)
D) 300g    Self-raising Flour [replaced with cake flour + 1 tsp baking powder + 1 tsp baking soda]
     20g      Corn Flour
     (sieve the flour together)
     Pinch of salt
E) 60g     Milk
F) 150g   Pumpkin (peeled & diced)
G) Pumpkin slices, for topping (optional)
     Pineapple-cane Sugar (optional) [used honey instead]

  1. Preheat oven to 175ºC. Line and grease the baking pan (7"x7").
  2. Cream butter together with sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Add eggs, one at a time, and cream until light and smooth or the colour turned pale.
  4. Stir in mashed pumpkin and mix until well blended.
  5. Fold in the sieved flour and salt to the mixture alternate with milk. Mix until well combined.
  6. Stir in diced pumpkins.
  7. Transfer the batter in to baking pan, arrange pumpkin slices on the surface and sprinkle with pineapple-cane sugar. You may also add some pumpkin seeds.
  8. Bake for 50 to 60minutes or until it is cooked. Cool on rack. [my oven took 65min.]




【Penguin d' Eskimo 。相約在冬季】

May 26, 2011 Dry warm busy day

This is definitely an eventful day!!
Planned to settle the name changing (on Iroko's birth certificate) today. Thus, mummy and baby drove all the way to Putrajaya (approx. 20km./ half an hour) after breakfast.
Yet, nothing has been done! The process is not as simple as mummy innocently expected ;-s

However, the little one had lots of fun playing at the playground in JPN and the second round at Alamanda (the only shopping complex in Putrajaya).

As a result, Iroko had a super late lunch by 3:30pm ;p

It's so hot + stuffy recently. We really need some cold air.....
*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes (starter) + mashed potatoe + miso soup with nori
Mummy and baby continued to be busy after that >,<
Baby was busy playing & watching her Hi-5,
mummy was busy housekeeping, cooking & baking ^.^
That's why the update is slightly late today ;p


媽咪當場就想爆笑@.@ 那小妞是精神分裂吧?!


【Tick-tock, tick-tock, breakfast time 。童話老爺鐘】

May 25, 2011 Stuffy hot weather with languid mood

It was a bright morning when working on the breakfast. Both mummy and Iroko were excited having the tick-tock breakfast ;)

The key man of the *happy breakfast*: Cogsworth
(one of supporting character in Beauty and the Beast)
There used to be only Hi-5 in Iroko's world. She has no interest in watching other cartoons. Until daddy introduced her "Beauty & the Beast"-- the first ever animation movie in her life! As she paid full attention to the movie, she got herself fell in love with those characters of the story.

When she first saw the Beast, she was so frightened and requested to stop watching. The second time, she wanted mummy to accompany her when the Beast appeared. By the 3rd time, she only called ,"mummy, mummy, commmmme", yet she was still staring at the screen!... and now she knows all "ins and outs" of the story! Her record of playing (and watching) the movie is 3 times a day!!

小妞看起戲來真的絕對百分百投入故事。就說她最近很喜歡的《美女與野獸》,每一次看到美女姐姐因為被“獅子”怪獸關進房間而破涕而哭的那一幕,她一定瞅緊眉頭,悲傷萬分,咽啃地告訴媽咪,“姐姐cries.... 可憐哦!! Because lion catches 姐姐!”說著說著,那小妞的眼眶竟然翻紅,眼淚在那裡打滾。。。還真的是感情豐富,眼淺的女生!!


【1 + 1 。眾樂樂】

May 24, 2011 It's sunny, it's rainy...

Guess what, Iroko told mummy her lunch "partners" are tortoises!! aakkkakakaaa... it's funny and completely out of expectation, nothing wrong though ;p

"We are not tortoise but worm >,<"
All the while, Iroko is a generous girl who is so willing to share whatever she has. At one time, she suddenly became reluctant to share one particular "spring rabbit chair" at a particular playground. According to daddy (mummy attended a funeral that evening), she rather sat on it and not to play her favourite slide, spider web, and etc. in order to monopolise the chair. She even laid herself on the floor when other took the seat after she got up from it!!
The next time, on the way heading to the same playground, mummy reminded her not to be so selfish. She didn't promise anything but kept herself quiet through the journey. The same thing happened, she refused to played other games except the spring chair. As she saw mummy walking towards her direction, she bowed her head. After being tempted by mummy, at last, she left the chair and carried on her "extreme game" at the playground.
Mummy was wondering there must be something went wrong or happened to her that caused her to behave in such an "abnormal" way. However, kids at her age might find somewhat difficult to narrate or to disclose accurately especially in terms of psychological aspect.

Since then, mummy grabbed all possible opportunities to get her learned SHARING!

*happy lunch* includes:
Apple & strawberries (starter) + fried onion egg +
stir fry giant-wrinkled-long-bean + pork rib pumpkin soup 

PS: Western style thick creamy pumpkin soup is still the best. Unless Cameron mini pumpkins are used to cook "chinese style clear watery" soup.

自從有了自己的睡房後,小妞就認定晚上睡幾時,媽咪是跟她“一體”的。如果爹地要取代她,跟媽咪一起睡,她會吃醋,馬上擺出受盡委屈的臉孔,帶著濃濃的哭腔告訴她的老爸,“Daddy, please go away. Go back to daddy's room!!


【Elmos & Friend 。三人行】

May 23, 2011 Rainy-sunny-day

This cute cartoon character, Elmo, is simply too easy to be done and it's just too good for lazy-Monday-mood @,@

To be honest, both Iroko and mummy are not familiar with Elmo ;p But because it's cute with very simple sharp features ^.^ plus, the name is quite easy to Iroko, mummy added it to {ma-masak}

*happy lunch* includes:
Banana (starter) + boiled fishballs +
stir fry cabbage with sausage, carrot and Swiss brown mushroom
 Actually the "friend" (banana) was not in the scene. When peeling the banana, mummy naughtily made "her" the 2 eyes and a "hat" (the remaining nori sheet, which was used for Elmos' eyes). And here you are Elmos' friend!

Soup of the day:
Shark Fin Melon soup with pork ribs & wolfberries & red dates
This is the first time  mummy cooked shark fin melon. The flesh truly resembles the real shark's fins even the texture too! As expected, the natural sweetness gives a very refreshing taste to the soup. Yum!

前天小妞坐在potty等“感覺”來時,無所事事地就在那裡“介紹”媽咪家裡的房間,“This is daddy's room, and this one got ladybug bed is Koko's room!” 媽咪等了幾秒見她沒接下去,就蠱惑地問她,“Then where is mummy's room?” 那小妞頓時愣了一下,尷尬地對着媽咪傻笑 >,<

當媽咪向女兒的爸說起這事時,在一旁的小妞馬上搭腔,想要“補鍋”,“oh, mummy's room is Koko's room. Koko's room is mummy's room!!”


【Magical Jester 。小丑怎麼會醜?】

May 20, 2011 Cloudy "heartache"day

今天很想把《童言童語》先記錄下來,因為媽咪的心裡到現在還是一直在隱隱作痛  : ... (

原本是想弄個小丑讓她開心,但過後竟讓她哭得死去活來 *^*

今天,午飯後不久,小妞如常告訴媽咪她要“睡覺”了,媽咪也如常叫她先尿尿(其實是要騙她上大號),坐上馬桶不久,她就開始“呻吟”,接著就大哭大鬧了。折騰了15分鐘媽咪有點心軟了,就順從她的意思讓她坐在她的便桶,瞧她哭得力氣都沒了,媽咪就開始想說服她,要她用力(她的問題就是不要用力“谷”)。她聽著媽咪的大道理,就一邊流著淚,抽咽地告訴媽咪和她自己,“En en don't cry, you (herself) got to be good girl. Good girl mummy sayang ar....

那一剎那,媽咪真的心疼到了極點! 馬上就讓她離開便桶,回房睡覺去。。。

Iroko asked for a big round red nose a few days ago when she saw it from Hi-5. Immediately upon her request, mummy has drafted the character (jester). Until today mummy got all materials ready and made her "dream nose" comes true!
*happy lunch* includes:
Starter: strawberries & garden salad + radish soup +
stir fry oyster mushroom & Swiss brown mushroom +
stir fry baby kailan with salted fish


【Iroko's ABC Lunch 。媽咪的“出師不利”之作】

May 19, 2011 Sunny cloudy day

Iroko and mummy were out for banking and shopping for groceries the whole morning (finally, mummy cancelled the 2 unwanted credit cards!!). It was almost 2pm when we're home! Mummy thought of "ta pau" but she promised the little girl who just couldn't wait to taste the new pasta (kept reminding mummy to cook for her since it was bought yesterday) to make her “ABC lunch”. In fact mummy was looking forward too!

Mummy planned to make 【Fancy Diving by Little Princess】, yet, the result wasn't what she expected ;s
媽咪想做【跳水小公主】,但越看就越不像 ;p
This is the first time mummy served Iroko pasta with Carbonara Mushroom sauce. It's somewhat "risky"... Luckily she could take the very creamy and cheesy taste of her lunch ('u')v

逛完超市,媽咪大包小包地領著小妞走向停車場時告訴她:“Mummy has no more hand to hold you. You need to walk carefully on your own, okay?” 結果小妞馬上伸出她的小手來牽媽咪。不曉得是要扮媽咪的角色,還是她膽小,怕自己走 @.@

回家的路上,媽咪怕餓著她,就開了她一瓶Vitagen和那包她由一開始走進超市就抱在手裡的Super Ring!結果,好幾分鐘過去了她只吞著口水,呆呆地看著那包零嘴,當媽咪問她為什麼還不吃時,她說,“Koko got no more hand to take. Mummy please feed koko.”



【Sweetie Dino 。甜心小恐龍】

May 18, 2011 Day with strong strong wind + bright bright Sun + warm warm weather

This is the third dinosaurs in {ma-masak} collection. The first was made from broccoli stalk while the second was a sausage dino; and today Iroko has a cucumber dinosaur ;D

Why sweetie?
The pricky back and crunchy wings say it all ^.^

*happy lunch* includes:
Veggie congee with dried scallop


聽到那一句話的當下,即使真的要開始爆發的情緒,即使多累,媽咪也會由心而發,開心大大聲地笑哈哈 ^U^ (這不就是化解了一場即將爆發的火山,也救了媽咪千千萬萬個細胞)


【Pirate of the Antarctica 。南極小海盜】

May 16, 2011 Windy cloudy day (^.^)v

Frankly, Iroko is not so impressed with PIRATE although she has frequently been exposed to the character via Hi-5. The *happy meal* is plainly mummy's choice ;p

*happy lunch* includes:
Stir fry baby bok choy + fried egg with salted veggie (菜脯蛋)+ watercress soup
To her, nothing about PIRATE! ;s She just couldn't relate this to pirate or even penguin >,<
(or mummy failed the homework?)
However, she was attracted by those "accessories", such as the eye mask, the sword, and the flag!


媽咪,“Do you want XXX?”
小妞,“... Or you (herself) want YYY?”

當她學會了造句(運用超過2個字)來溝通後,她就不再用搖頭或“DON'T WANT” 來表達自己的想法了。這樣快,狠(或柔?),準的溝通方式也挺乾淨利落的嘛!至少媽咪省下很多冤枉功夫,做些她不想要的東西,又要在那兒玩拉鋸戰 ;)


【A-B-C (Angry-Bird d' Cutie) 。嬌俏版Angry Bird】

May 13, 2011 Cloudy? Hazy? and too warm

Blogger dashboard was temporarily unavailable the whole afternoon yesterday. Initially, mummy has so much thoughts about the A-B-C *happy lunch* and Iroko to be blogged, but the "unsaved memory" has almost "corrupted" after 20 hours... This is so called AGEING!!!

While waiting for mummy to recover her memory, let's have a look at the "Magic Show" presented by Iroko Soong ^@^
Mali mali hommmm!!Aaa.... ding!

Look, the Angry Bird becomes lao ah pek bird. Nothing about "angry", isn't? ;p
It's now the cutie Angry Bird *u*
The same thing, this is not the originally {ma-masak} plan of the day. Mummy has had something else on her mind. When Iroko saw Angry Bird on mummy's sketch book, thing changed. Immediately, she got mummy sat in front of the laptop and asked for Angry Bird game!! As Iroko saw the images of Angry Birds, she kept pointing at the screen (to ENTER the "game") and pulling the slingshot with her little finger @.@ . Of course, she couldn't make any change to the screen '^'

In fact, she requested for Angry Bird since last week but mummy ignored that ;p (too many angry birds liao!! sian...) Today, after seeing how Iroko "playing the game" from laptop, mummy changed her mind :) What is {ma-masak} for?? It's to bring happiness to the daughter, isn't?

*happy lunch* includes:
Stew tofu & button mushroom & cauliflower & carrot + seaweed egg soup 紫菜蛋花湯
話說小妞很想念拿“電子鳥”,當她發覺媽咪開給她玩的“電子遊戲”不像她平時玩爺爺的ipad的那個AngryBird時,就可憐兮兮,很無奈地告訴媽咪,“This is laptop, not Ipad. yeye's Ipad in Alor Setar.”

不過,沒一會兒,她就將ipad和Angry Bird拋諸腦後,玩她的皮球,看她的Hi-5去了 ^u^


【Ninja? 。忍者蛋】

May 11, 2011 Thick haze stufyyyyyyyyyy

The weather simply brings discomfort and it's just irritating! The whole house is too warm and stuffy even early in the morning >.< arrghhhh..... Hazy condition is getting worst today, which the visibility is reducing to less than 1 km! Mummy just couldn't tolerate working too long in the kitchen! Thus, a rather simple *happy lunch* was prepared!

Iroko seems getting dehydrated these few days (her stools were somewhat dry and compact) even though she has more fluid intake. And today she just lost her appetite to take her lunch and couldn't get herself to pass motion >,<

*happy lunch* includes:
Starter: assorted fruits salad + hard boiled egg + steamed sausage + veggie soup
小妞似乎也難以忍受這種悶熱到不行的天氣,午餐吃了幾口飯就吞不下了。可是就一直跟媽咪要ice-cream,媽咪當然不買賬!那小妞心有不甘地一直在那兒喃喃自語,“You gotta finish the rice, otherwise got no energy to play slide...”。媽咪聽她那麼一說,以為“機會”來了,就趁機問她要不要繼續吃。結果,小妞還是搖搖頭,閃開了 >,<


【Snow Crab 。白雪頑皮蟹】

May 10, 2011 Hazy stuffy day >,<

*happy breakfast* = plain "mau tou" (thread loaf) + cheddar cheese
This is an additional "homework‘ mummy of the day. At first, mummy didn't plan to "create" a *happy breakfast* as she already had the idea for the *happy lunch* (Black Swans). She just couldn't overcome the "addiction" to making *happy meals* ;)

【Swans in Black 。黑色誘惑】

May 10, 2011 Hazy stuffy day >,<

It's always daddy's worry that Iroko & the wife will slowly become 3 8 (narrow-minded) as they stay in the house all days long ;p So his routine question to mummy is "You feel bored? Want to go anywhere?". Or he'd suggest to go out of the house almost every alternate day ;D

As usual, three of them went for a walk at the shopping complex nearby after dinner last night. While walking along the lake side (connecting to the complex), they were thrilled by 2 pairs of swans, 2 black & 2 white! What a great surprise ;)

Sweetheart, mummy always keeps her words!
Iroko was heavy-hearted when those swans left. There and then, mummy promised her to make her swan for her next lunch.

*happy lunch* includes:
Starter--orange + stir fried "4-seasons" beans with mushroom + ABC soup
小妞常讓爹地和媽咪覺得欣慰的是她的懂事--雖然她常會把“later mummy buy this one for Iroko”掛在嘴邊(當她看到hi-5裡頭哥哥姐姐玩着的那些新奇玩意兒),但都只是說說而已。。。^u^

每次逛玩具店/超市看到她喜歡的東西時,她都只會說“norr... koko also got at home!”,從來沒試過耍賴,哭著一定要買。她頂多拿在手裡過過癮 ;)

反而是因為這樣,爹地和媽咪才常常覺得很“內疚”自己買他們覺得小妞應該會喜歡的東西給她 ;p

【Antz Kingdom 。大螞蟻,小角色】

May 09, 2011 Intolerable crazy HOT weather ;-/

Iroko has her new toys last Friday night--a pack of bug toys. Wondering why she prefers those stuff over "normal kiddie toys"?!?!
Actually, she targetted at 2 things: the bug toys and a "baby" toy (hoops of different sizes come with a stick for little players to throw/put in). Needless to repeat what's her choice >,<

In conjuction with Iroko's "toys shower", mummy made this for her ;p
Usually, ants turn to be more active in summer. In the past, mummy always found them having funs with their "water sports" in the water container during the hottest season of the year. However, the weather is just toooooo hot (nothing about warm!!) these few days until none of insect is spotted!! (or the house is just too clean to keep out those unwelcome guests?!?! akkkaaa.... ;p)

*happy lunch* includes:
Starter--grapes + miso soup + boiled broccoli with butter + onion fried egg
Oh ya, another crazy thing (other than the weather) that must be recorded is--Iroko broke her record today!! She slept through the night and morning until 12:45PM today!!! She just kept the ants waiting for her for 4 hours (the ants were ready by 11am). She had her breakfast by 1pm and lunch at 3:15pm!!

Another satisfactory project (^.^)v

Towards the end of the lunch, this is their fate....
漸漸長大的小妞越來越貼心+表達對別人的關心了 [*欣慰*]。


當媽咪牽著她的小手走過起伏不平/有窟窿的路面時,小妞總會叮嚀媽咪,“Be careful ar, mummy!”

吃完東西,媽咪幫她收拾碟子時,小妞會笑嘻嘻地說,“THANK YOU VERY MUCH!”
以前她都只說“thank you”,前幾天當媽咪第一次聽到她很完整地說thank you very much 時,真的很驚喜 ;)



【Buzzy Bees 。『蜂』情萬種】

May 06, 2011 Pasar Malam Day, hoorayyy!!

Notwithstanding the "super unreal" wings, the *happy banana bees lunch* is still a satisfactory one *('v')*
Originally, the wing were made of uncooked glass noodles. However, they were too "perishable" that failed to hold the shapes before photoshooting was started  ('~`)Then they were substituded by carrot! So unreal, sighhhhhh

*happy lunch* includes:
banana bees + fried egg + steamed chicken mince + stir fried Japanese cabbage + English gourd soup

自小妞聽懂指示後,媽咪就開始讓她學習“收拾殘局”。為了要讓她有興趣“參與”,媽咪都會陪她一起收拾。近來,媽咪覺得是時候放手了,就盡量不插手。偶爾,一些‘簡單’(沒有太多)的,她都做得蠻好,比較高難度的(太高,太重),她就“mummy help, please!”

今天,她把她那玩具小廚房裡頭的“五丈六腑”幾乎都倒了出來,午睡前,媽咪就嘮叨她把玩具收拾好,結果媽咪竟然被指示,“Come, mummy keep together!” @#%×& 雖然有點“不忿”,但為了示範身教,媽咪還是服從命令 >,<

【Thread Loaf 。饅頭記】

May 05, 2011 A day upto Celcius 44 degree!!

This is another *happy meal* that mummy is quite satisfied with v(*u*)v

媽咪很喜歡那2只ladybugs ;)
... and this is the second * happy SNAIL meal* accomplished by mummy.
Iroko first saw live snail during 姑姑's wedding in Janda Baik. A few days after the first met, she found another real snail by the swimming pool side at 二姨's condo. (everytime when we visited 二姨,she would definitely mention the "story"--she saw a snail there)

There after, she's so attacted by that little cute creature ;) Since then, mummy decided to make a snail meal for her :)

Initially mummy wanted to buy the "man tou" with coloured spiral pattern on the side.
Mummy was "cheated" by the photo printed on package of this <Silver Thread Loaf>,
which the "threads" are in light green!!
The snails would definitely be more attractive with colours on their body!

Behind the scene:
因為IROKO還在睡覺,所以媽咪很逍遙地在爬網。。。結果竟然把煤氣爐上的饅頭給忘了 ;p

媽咪,“Baby, do you want to go swimming or go sliding, swing... at the park?”
小妞,“emm...go to park slide first, then swimming!!”
x x x
媽咪正在水果攤前徘徊,“koko, do you want strawberries or grapes?”
小妞爽快地回答道,“BOTH! Strawberries and grapes!”

是媽咪太“斤斤計較”了,還是小妞太貪心了? 很多時候大人就是有很多顧慮,但對小孩而言,事情不是簡單得很,統統要了,不就一了百了?!要是無傷大雅,隨便怎麼選,隨心所欲,又何妨?




【Simple *happy meals* 。快手快腳*快樂餐*】

May 04, 2011 Windy warm day

The refrigerator has been somewhat "colourless, shapeless, and tasteless" for few days (mummy hasn't stocked up since last Friday). No matter what, mummy must shop for some groceries today! Since Iroko woke up quite late today, mummy just made a simple breakfast for her.

Iroko was attracted by the orange instead of the duckling! Perhaps, they truly look ugly!! 皺皮鴨!!
The *happy breakfast*:
buns with homemade kaya from Desa Park City (highly recommended by daddy!)
Mummy prefers making *happy lunches* to *happy dinners* because, usually, by the time the dinner is ready the sun almost sets. And photos taken without sufficient natural daylight are always "unpresentable" (due to mummy's poor photography skills) ;p However, mummy just had the right mood to make Iroko another *happy meal* of the day!!

Monkey swings swings swings....
*happy dinner* includes: sweet corn soup, stir fried Japanese cabbage, green pea with sausage
小妞近來學會擺臭臉了!!!每當覺得委屈(被其他小朋友拿走她正在玩的玩具/媽咪叫她跟別人share玩具),遇到挫折(做不到要做的事)就扁起嘴,低下頭,雙手抱在胸前走到一旁,又或者乾脆直接把自己整個人摔倒趴在地上,床上 >~<


【Fishes, fishes, where are you 。魚魅小品】

May 03, 2011 Another sunny + thunder storm day

Not lazy, but just wanted to make something simple and without much tediousness at certain time ;p
Today, is another hassle-free day that mummy wishes to have ;-D

Only need a pair of scissors and a fruit shape (not sure what fruit is that) cookies cutter, the *“fishy” happy lunch* was easily accomplished!

一天到晚游泳的魚啊 魚 不停游
一天到晚想你的人啊 愛 不停休
從來不想回頭 不問天長地久
因為我的愛 覆水難收
oh ya, the "fishy" lunch includes:
chicken congee with mushroom, black fungus, spring onion & of course carrot!
Mummy wondered if Iroko could take the spicy taste of spring onion while adding it to the congee (in fact it's no longer spicy but the taste becomes indescribably odd & strong after being cooked. Yet, Iroko accepted it, phewwww ;p

那天在二姨家的露台,奶舅叮嚀在那兒蹦蹦跳跳的小妞要小心,那小妞就很多嘴地幫她的奶舅接話,“If koko falls down, then koko bleeding, dies oo” >,<

【Greentea Cheesecake--but failed。失敗的抹茶芝士蛋糕】

2011年5月2日 攝氏38度的上下午 狂風暴雨的傍

自從前幾天在Sexxxt Rxxxpi 看到他們的抹茶芝士蛋糕後,就一直很想試試。
籌備了好幾天的心情和材料,就這樣毀於一旦 ;...(

It has been refrigerated for  > 24 hours, yet, it couldn't get set!!! T_T 
The cheese is too slimy and couldn't be unmolded with a nice shape ;( 


吃完了整只小老鼠(1個normal size scoop)還要多半個scoop >,<
一定要先把鮮奶油(whipping cream)打發,才能夠加入其他混合料!




【Kungfu Panda Is Back 。功夫咖椰包】

Labour Day, 2011 Dry day Wet evening

3 of us (daddy, mummy and Iroko) didn't take proper dinner last night--because daddy and Iroko didn't feel like eating RICE or noodle. So we had some snacks (crackers, chips, & fruits) only. Normally when this happened, we would have PAO as our supper ^@^ Ended  up we had chye pao (vege), kaya pao, red bean pao, mini lotus pao, and mini char shau pao!!!!

As expected, Iroko finished only 1 of the 2 kaya pao she ordered. Thus mummy kept for her breakfast this morning.

To kids, happiness + surprise = a few simple cuts from mummy!
女兒的爸離家公幹接近兩個禮拜,前天回到女兒身邊後,小妞就變得特別的愛撒嬌,甚至撒野!什麼事都要爹地幫她做。當媽咪說明天爹地要上班了,她很焦急,傷心,眼眶泛紅,扁起嘴地說,“Daddy don't go out, don't go working. koko wants mummy and daddy stay at home!”