
【My Fair Lady 。俏“蕉”娃】

August 26, 2011 Showery rain

*happy breakfast*: Butter scotch, yummmmm.....
Bread/Roti/麵包 has been absent from Iroko's breakfast for almost one whole month. Even if Iroko could survive her mornings without bread, could survive with only Honey Stars or Cocoa Crunch, it's absolutely a significant lacking in mummy's life!! By the 27th day (from the day Iroko was diagnosed with chickenpox) mummy breached the "food taboo" ;p

Dancing Chimpanzee
話說小妞近來愛上恐龍,幾乎每天都在反複練習不同種類恐龍的名稱,而且三不五時就跟書本上的恐龍對話 (問‘對方’ 什麼名字,再自己回答)@.@


“Mummy, what is your name?”
媽咪很直接地就向她報上大名,結果就 無端端被小妞吐槽:
“No, you are Iguanodon!”
“Daddy, what is your name? Is it Spinosaurus?”
“What is your name?Ty-Rex (Tyrannosaurus-Rex)?”
說罷,就繼續到頭大睡 @.@

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