
【Passion Fruit Cheesecake 。百香情濃】

2011年7月27日 涼涼陰陰的天氣



結果,不負媽咪所望(^.^)v 香味濃郁的蛋糕帶著一點點又酸又甜的清新口感,mmmmmm.... 很滿足!!!

The recipe:
(modified from Cake.Bake.Love)

Ingredients (base):
* not in original recipe

1/2 cup Oat crackers [I used Munchy's Oat Krunch, it turned out good!!]
1/2 tbsp Butter
Sugar, to taste [optional]

1) Melt butter with sugar in microwave (high temperature setting for 5 to 8 sec.);
2) Crush the crackers till finely crushed;
3) Add melted to crushed cracker and blend well;
4) Press into lined baking pan and bake in preheat oven @ 180C for 10min;
5)Set aside to cool down.

Ingredients (cheese):
250g Cream cheese (room temperature)

75g   Sugar (may cut down slightly to 65g or so)

125g Milk
19g   Corn flour

2 ½    Egg yolk (about 50g)
1        Egg white (about 37.5g)
½ tsp Vanilla extract

(D)2  Passion fruit (medium size)

1) Line the bottom of a 6" round pan with baking paper and wrap with aluminum foil.
2) Heat (A) over simmering water, keep stirring using a hand whisk till the mixture becomes smooth.
3) Add (B), mix till well blended.
3) Remove from heat, set aside to cool. 
4) Add (C) to the slightly cool cream cheese mixture, mix well.
5) Stir in passion fruit, mix well.
6) Bake in water bath in preheat oven at 190C for about 35 minutes (depending on each oven's functions and heat).
7) Cool on wire rack completely. 
8) Chill before slicing.

Happy baking :)


【Tofu-Bugs 。又見甲蟲滿天下】

July 27, 2011 Cloudy windy day

The tofu-bugs project is totally out of planning (mummy had terrible headache the whole morning @.@).
Nevertheless, she was so happy when she found the way to fry tofu "beautifully" without burning herself and without using much cooking oil. The secret is to use non-stick frying pan!! (all the while mummy used wok for deep frying, never thought of using frying pan)
Suddenly, she was inspired by those tofu...
suddenly, she forgot about her pain...
suddenly, Iroko went to kitchen with her newly bought lady-bug tang-lung...
and here it is, the tofu-bugs :)

*happy lunch* includes:
Strawberries & grapes + Green tea soba noodles +
boiled baby French beans + fried tofu with minced meat & amaranth + English gourd soup
每當媽咪犯頭疼時,小妞總會很貼心地去拿風油幫媽咪塗在太陽穴兩側再加以按摩,又會很關心地問媽咪有沒有服藥。還不時叮嚀媽咪要good girl, 笑哈哈,才不會頭疼。。。

Mummy headache, because mummy's head already spoilt...

【Miniature "Tipu" 。大虎小虎】

July 26, 2011 Still a BRIGHT sunny day

*happy lunch* includes:
Orange + "ABC" pasta with tomatoe sauce + hard boiled egg
This is nothing about creativity but "reproduction" of the limited edition ride-on Trunki suitcase.

Trunki was daddy's "dream-toy"; he finally got the excuse to buy one upon Iroko's arrival to the family (^.^)v

坦白說,這頭迷你老虎真的很挑戰媽咪的刀工 >,<
瞧,老虎身上多麼“崎嶇” ;p
It seems quite "luxurious" as the design of the ride-on suitcases looks impractical and not durable. But, frankly, mummy found it's truly useful and most importantly, it's catchy!! Moreover, to Iroko, it is more than a suitcase!! Tipu is always her best company when she travels, and becomes her playmate at home :)

正當媽咪在廚房裡“埋頭苦幹”之際,小妞也跟大虎在客廳玩得不亦樂乎。 忽然媽咪又發現了一段值得為她記錄的小故事!

“You must be good boy, 自己走,then only Koko bring you to gymnastics class ya! Come on, follow me this way.” (接著她就嘰里咕嚕地不知在說些什麼)

“Why, you feel very tired?.... ok lar, I carry you, 來,抱抱。Next time, you cannot ask Koko carry, must 自己走, otherwise teacher not sayang huh!”

說著,就抱起那正2公斤重的大虎到廚房找媽咪:“Mummy, Koko pandai ooh, can carry Tiger!妳看。。。”


【Wall-E 。機器人總動員】

July 25, 2011 Too briiiiiiiight....

The most attractive character in the film that retains Iroko's attention is neither Wall-E nor Eve, but is Hal--the pet cockroach of Wall-E, and some of it's buddies @.@

(left): Wall-E (Waste Allocation Load Lifter-Earth Class), the only "still-shown-functioning" & sentient robot on Earth;
EVE (Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator),
an emotion-less robot whose task is to locate vegetation on the Earth & to verify habitability. 
Besides insects, Iroko does have great interest in reptiles. She is always thrilled by seeing even the pictures of those cool-blooded animals especially lizards!! Hence, daddy and mummy brought her to the True Reptile Discovery Show at I-City, Shah Alam last Saturday. She was astonished by those real giant iguanas, snakes, various species of lizards, etc. However, mummy observed that she was actually feeling somewhat uneasy as she met more and more giant lizards with "threatening features" (in fact, mummy felt the same--the whole body was full of goose-bumps >,<). To mummy, that was completely an unpleasant spine-chilling experience!!

*happy lunch* includes:
Hard-boiled egg + steamed minced meat + steamed asparagus +
stir fried spinach, carrot & prawns + radish soup + Choc. waffles 

媽咪:“He's at work.(pause for few seconds)Baby, can mummy go to work too?”

忽然小妞提出:“mmm... or daddy stays at home plays with Koko? hmm!!”好像那是十全十美的方法。

媽媽咪就趁機耍她,告訴她要是媽咪不去做工,就沒錢給她繳gymnastics class的學費; 爹地賺的錢是要讓她付給dancing class teacher的。

片刻,她很認真又很尷尬地說:“Daddy working, mummy stays at home feed nen nen!

媽咪當然打蛇隨棍上,不肯罷休地說:“Then no more gymnastics class for Koko. So sad!”
豈知,那小妞竟然當頭棒喝:“Mummy can take money from bank at ATM machine!!”



【Noodles-hopper 。面中有“蚱”】

July 22, 2011 HAZY,again!!

*happy lunch* includes:
Fried noodles + seaweed egg soup
Other than “紅毛丹” (rambutan), GRASSHOPPER is the second 3-syllable word that she managed to pronounce accurately.

Since "young" (of course she is still very young ;p), Iroko loves insects. Therefore, mummy made her room a little jungle furnished with ladybug and leaf wall lamps, a big leaf, with  plenty of insects on top, shading the bed... she misses her "ly-bug" room (even now, she refuses to call LADYBUG in full >,<) if she's away from the house too long. And she's always proud of her little bug world--she'd be very trilled to bring mummy's/daddy's guests, even someone she never met (e.g. potential buyers of our apartment) to visit her bedroom. 

Sometimes, mummy is somewhat puzzled--Iroko herself loves insects or mummy made her to love?? o_0 (because she's always exposed to those six-leg creatures since she was a baby)...  It's kind of chicken and egg situation ;p No matter which comes first, it's a big deal ;) 

“Hi kitty!”
“You want to eat fish?”
“hor, the cat said yes!! How come?” She was so surprised that the cat is able to communicate with her!!
“You want to sleep?”
“Hor, daddy, meow meow said want to sleep!! How come?”。。。

回到家裡,小妞就很興奮地向媽咪敘述她的奇遇 >,<


【Celebrity Doraemon 。多啦a夢,“紅”不讓!(^^)v】

July 21, 2011 Not too hot not rainy, just nice ;)

人人期望可達到 我的快樂比天高
人人如意開心歡笑 跳進美夢尋獲美好
離奇神化不可思議 心中一想就得到
等小鳥伴你飛舞 雲外看琴譜
叮噹呀 誰都喜歡你 小貓也自豪(X2)

*happy dinner* includes:
Seaweed egg soup with assorted fish-/crab-balls + deep fried fish
This is the second Doraemon in the {ma-masak} collection (the first one was made by hard-boiled egg).
All the while, mummy believed that BLUE is the only trademark colour for Doraemon, until she saw a limited edition model of it at a toy store. Since mummy has yet to get fresh butterly-pea-flowers, this red version of Doraemon is still not a bad idea for {ma-masak} ;)

So far, the natural vivid red of tomatoe is considered the best choice for making something in red. The third batch of Angry Birds in {ma-masak} were made out of cherry tomatoes. Same material and method were used to prepare this limited ed. Doraemon. It's rather a simple way to prepare this. Just make a curve-cut--> removal of the filling of tomatoe--> insert rice to fill up the hole. The only challenge is that the rice must be somewhat moist and inserting work needs to be done while the rice is still hot (easier to mould the shape). Lastly, cut those features of Doraemon lor... sounds simple, ain't?

雖說是乳牙,但媽咪一直都擔心會不會有後遺症--牙齦有沒有因此受損了,恆牙會不會因此受影響,小妞說話發音會不會出現偏差,上了幼兒園後會不會被其他小孩子(甚至大人)嘲笑而產生自卑感。。。等等意想不到的問題 ;(
媽咪可能是多慮了,但無可否認的事實是,斷掉門牙確確實實是對小妞的咀嚼能力造成了很大的影響。就連硬度普通的瑪麗餅,她也無法用門牙咬, 更別說是咬蔬菜,肉類了 ;...(

今天下午,媽咪和小妞在吃著玉米餅(Nachos)時,她就跟媽咪要了一杯MILO,好讓她沾玉米餅。(很怪的搭配hor ;p)
看著她吃得津津有味的模樣,媽咪故意問她好吃嗎。結果,小妞出其不意的回答,讓媽咪的心裡頓時抽痛了一陣子。。。 (T_T)

Koko dip the 餅餅in milo, then 餅餅become soft. Koko can eat now!”


【MARTY in the House 。‘馬迪’在此也!】

July 20, 2011 A typical summer!!

Marty -- a carefree cute zebra, always sees the bright side of most things ^.^ 
Alex has escaped from Madagascar to {ma-masak} for a period of time, it's now Marty's turn to move in move in  (^u^)v

Iroko had a late lunch today (2:45pm) because the pitiful little one had to follow mummy rushing here and there (from Serdang-->Kajang-->Bangi--->Serdang) to do the settlement for the car and roadtax renewal. Although it was quite tiring, she seemed quite enjoyed >,< no complain from her at all ;p

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes + stir-fried baby French beans, assorted veggie & prawns + sweet corn soup
今天不記錄小妞的名句,倒是要記載關於小妞的幾件不重要的小事 ;p
很多事表面上看來隨機又不重要, 但加起來卻能讓人更了解另一個人/一件事並可窺到那人的內心世界。。。摘自劉軒《放任心中的一百次流浪》
更何況,憑著對孩子成長點點滴滴的記錄,無疑地能讓自己的教育方式作出調整,並同時能享受育兒天倫之樂 ^.^


* 動畫卡通的先鋒,沒什麼看頭的科技視覺效果,但卻把細節都很細膩的呈現出來。可是,媽咪覺得,最吸引小妞的還是那可歌可泣又浪漫的故事情節 >,<

* 這回不是因為劇情,倒是那幾隻擔大旗的主角動物都是小妞所熟悉和喜愛的動物 (^ ^)v 當然,也得歸功於那首成名曲--I like to move it move it...

* 除了色彩絢麗,栩栩如生的畫面,也純粹因為它像出歌舞劇--可讓小妞跟著又唱又擺又跳 @.@

* 故事不是賣點,也不是其要,讓小妞乖乖坐著配老爸看上半個多小時的主要原因是那些一直出現的飛機,戰鬥機,和直升機!!

*  影片能上榜,完全是因為一個令人跌破眼鏡,甚至噴飯的理由--很多小強(蟑螂)等昆蟲的出現!!!

* * *


【Bob-hair Girl 。波比頭女娃】

July 19, 2011 As SUNNY as Iroko's HAPPY mood

It's Tuesday, finally, yayyyyyy!!!
Gymnastics session again, yayyyyy!!!
Got excuse to skip doing *happy lunch*, yayyy!!!!
The same simple ingredients used for this simple *happy breakfast*
... starring at those snow white plain buns, mummy felt somewhat uneasy (~_~)
... then she worked out this simple bob-hair girl (*u*)v
... daddy always wants her daughter to keep this hair-style
... but the daughter said: "NO WAY! I want to keep 'ballet hair'!"

前天開始,小妞剛給爹地起了個洋名--CHARLIE!! 那是Hi-5裡她最喜歡的姐姐。尤其是在跟爹地玩角色扮演時,真的讓媽咪和那“受害者”笑翻天!扮演舞蹈導師的小妞會毫不猶豫,從容地叫:
“Charlie, come, follow! Stretch... bend ... point and flex...! Charlie, look here, flap your butterly wings...”;

Charlie, relax your head!” >,<


【BLU Became Grey 。奇鸚,小灰】

July 18, 2011 Dry hot day

The quality of the blue dye is so lousy... Look, I'm no longer BLU but GREY
When mummy received those dried butterfly-pea-flowers from granny, she was thrilled because a few "dream-projects" in her mind could finally come true. However, to her disappoinment, the coloured juice extracted from those dried flowers didn't turn purplish but GREY!!! (/o\)

There must be something went wrong!?!?!?! Should fresh flowers be used instead?!

*happy lunch* includes:
Pineapple (starter) + mashed potatoe + steamed baby French beans +
miso soup with tofu, fresh mushroom & nori
這階段的小妞正進入辨識+試探各種正負情緒的過程。由於還未完全掌握表達自我感受的技術,很多時候在“說不出口”,別人又無法諒解她的想法和感受之際,小妞就會鬧彆扭,比如提高聲量說『不要 / Don't Want / Stop!』,把手裡的小玩具往地上丟,或是動手打自己 >///<

“誰?Who threw / shouted / beat?”

You (herself) threw, then no more toys to play!”, 又或是
You shouted, no manners, cannot go dancing/gymnastics class!”


【Hi, I'm Rafael from RIO de Janeiro 。俺就是巴西來的‘拉斐爾’】

July 14, 2011 Haze... haiz....

This is me---RAFAEL ^,^
Undeniably, kids nowadays are far more ingenious, smarter & knowleageable than their papa mama. For sure, IT sophisticatication is considered as the key contributor. Cartoons/movies & educational programmes available for kids no longer merely cartoonize the audience's life. Many of those cartoons are educational, insightful and informative.

RIO is one of the most recent worth-watching movie (or cartoon?). At least, the movie reminds the audience of being environmental-&-animal friendly; makes the audience learn about illegal wildlife trade as a common activity in Rio... etc.

Iroko loves the movie too, especially the song, dance performance by the birds, and of course, the very impressive, colourful, marvelous animations!!

*happy lunch* includes:
Papaya + black chicken soup + fried Chinese sausage (lap cheong) +
fried egg + stewed fresh mushroom, enoki mushroom & baby bok choy

昨天,媽咪帶小妞去韻律操,快要抵達時,媽咪就一直提醒小妞把鞋子穿上,準備下車。怎知,她就是趁媽咪心情好,故意撒野,拖拖拉拉地,還把其中一隻鞋子弄丟到座椅下面。被媽咪嘮叨一點,就放聲哭了出來(其實她也是累了,但因為很興奮地期待著她的gymnastics class,就死撐)。媽咪見狀,就故意不理睬她。

Mummy, 笑哈哈,不要罵罵,MUST BE GOOD GIRL, KISS IROKO huh!”



【Nothing Much ;p 。懶人‘煮’意】

July 13, 2011 Again, it's hazy and cloudy but stuffy >,<

The first hot food that mummy learned and mastered is poached egg---荷包蛋!
That is the simplest yet most delicious cooking to commit to whenever she feels lazy & sluggish ;p
Especially now!! Even if mummy doesn't have appetite to eat, she still needs to cook for the little one >,<
*happy lunch* includes:
Congee with poached egg + stir-fry French beans
曾經,在小妞一歲左右,媽咪常常為了小妞喝水不多而傷腦筋,甚至曾想過要孤掷一注,用『利賓娜』(Ribena, blackcurrant drink) 來誘惑她,也還好,她並沒有上鉤 (=.=)

現在情況總算大大改善了,每天都有及格的喝水量--唯一的問題就是太被動了,如果不是媽咪把水送到她嘴裡,每次自己喝水時,她就只是把口唇沾濕而已,真的是“蜻蜓點水”@ . @

也忘了是什麼時候媽咪哄她喝水時告訴她,要喝很多水她才會有精力像Hi-5裡的姐姐/哥哥一樣,可以做某些動作。原來小妞把這一切都聽進去了。現在只要她自己覺得稍有“成就”---可以做到某些事,即使是一些雞毛皮蒜如做到某舞蹈姿勢 / 轉兩圈呼啦圈之類的小事,她都不忘說:
Because Koko drink a lot of water!!” 把一切都歸功於‘喝水’這等“大事”!!


【Little Pup 。小白】

July 12, 2011 Hazzzzzzzzzy >,<

The first ever capture by iPad.
This is definitely a day that means a lot to Iroko. She's been looking for the day since last week when mummy made the appointment. YES!! She is going to attend the first ever gym session in her life ;)

So mummy only prepared a rather simple *happy breakfast* for her ;p There you go!!

After glooming up *u*

每當她感覺很受寵,比如媽咪/爹地很“神情”地親吻,擁抱她,告訴她I LOVE YOU 時;

Remember Koko go slide / park / XXX (somebody's name)'s house?”



【ELF 。凡間精靈】

July 11, 2011 Reasonable hot; Intolerable hazy

孩子總叫父母又哭又笑 >,<
Fairy doesn't really mean much/special to Iroko at her age.
Rather, she is thrilled to see and play with gorgor jiejie didi meimei (other kids).
That doesn't mean she wants sibling--she told mummy she wants playmates didi or meimei BUT not from mummy's tummy!

*happy lunch* includes:
Pear + mashed potatoe, pumpkin & carrot + steamed fishballs + watercress soup
之前有提到小妞“對付”+安撫媽咪的絕招是她的那『五字真言』---媽咪,笑哈哈 ;D
這兩天她又給自己的招數注入甚是有點威脅媽咪乖乖就範的元素!!一察覺媽咪對她的言行舉止有異樣/媽咪開始不耐煩時,小妞就馬上把自己的臉,往媽咪的臉上貼,再叫媽咪:“Mummy must be good girl, 笑哈哈huh!” @.@




【Meet MASTER SHIFU 。放馬過來】

July 08, 2011 Sunny showery day

瓦咋。。。 接招吧!
*happy breakfast*:
bread with butter & Nuttela (cocoa butter spread)

In fact, Iroko is neither impressed by the movie nor those characters because she prefers romance over action movies. Up to date, her most favourite cartoon (other than Hi-5) is still Beauty & the Beast, which is also the only cartoon that she watched till the end >,<

Master Shifu's eyes become invisible due to the glare...
Mummy needs to polish her shooting technique... ;p
也許因為媽咪是全職媽媽,小妞是全職“玩童”『注:不必7早8早被挖起床送去保姆家;每天可以睡到自然醒;又還不用上學/托兒所。。。』,平時都是悠閒悠哉,很少需要過“快點,快點”的生活。又或許是遺傳了她老爸那種比較馴服,慢性子的性格,她總是擺出一副“沒關係,慢慢來”,“處之泰然”的樣子,甚至有點愛摸東摸西 @.@


顯然察覺到緊張的氣氛,就站到媽咪的面前說:“I think mummy & Koko gotta 笑哈哈!來,Koko 笑哈哈,mummy also 笑哈哈!”@_@

頓時,媽咪真的覺得很愧疚,雖然並沒有對她發脾氣,可是自己的急性卻影響想了孩子的情緒。慶幸的是,有小妞在身邊,媽咪的EQ 確實改善了很多,每當性子一來,就馬上想到小妞的那句“媽咪,笑哈哈”:-D


【The Triumph 。凱旋】

July 07, 2011 Comfy windy cloudy day

Since she started her solids, Iroko doesn't show much interest in meat and fish. Until recently, there is little change in her taste--she no longer refuses eating fish (*v*)v.

Grandma said this species (the fish) rarely can be found in the market nowadays and it's very good--not poisionous. To mummy, the concern is--Iroko accepts it!

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes & tomato + stir-fry Chinese mustard greens & crab sticks with mushroom sauce +
fried fish + English gourd soup

媽咪即刻想起家裡媽媽婆婆教的止血古方--往傷口撒白糖。雖然沒繼續大哭,還在抽泣的小妞一看到媽咪要“賞”她糖吃,馬上雙眼一亮。咀嚼著白糖的同時,縱然還流著眼淚,嘴裡卻說道:“Mummy, this sugar yummmm...

事後,就一直告訴媽咪:“pom pang (fall down)bleeding got to eat sugar. Then no more pain pain!” >,<



July 06, 2011 Another perfect day for drying clothes

Indeed, nothing comes easily without hard work.
Mummy almost lost all her "magic" after such a long break.
Couldn't even get a nice title for this piece of work ;-(

真的有點江郎才盡的感覺。。。沮喪也 >,<
Mummy failed the original plan--to make a birdie out of a hard-boiled egg. Ended up, the hedgehog popped up when mummy saw Iroko playing with those toothpicks...

*happy dinner* includes:
Orange + veggie congee (broccoli + hard-boiled egg + sweetcorn)

那天,媽咪看見小妞的髮尾有些打結了,就著手幫她打理。小妞馬上叫著:“Mummy, please don't pull! Otherwise Koko BOTAK, CANNOT GO DANCING!" @.@


【'兎'-GETHER 。同枕共眠】

2011年7月5日 又見艷陽天


休息了好久,要重新開始動手弄女兒的*快樂餐*真的有點不知所措 ;p

她笑 媽咪就了上大半天
她哭 媽咪還是得強顏歡笑地逗她開心

讓媽媽知道 無怨無悔地付出是生命裡最幸福的事
讓媽媽學會了什麼叫 “知足”!

*happy lunch* includes:
Apple & dried cranberries (starter) + water cress soup + sausage +
fried egg with sweet corn + stewed brocolli & cauliflower with tofu, fresh mushroom & prawn
前天午睡前小妞看到老爸睡過的床有被整理過就說,“Daddy grown up already, can made the bed like the Hi-5 姐姐! ”
媽咪:“Yes. So daddy is good boy. Good boys and good girls always make their own bed every morning.”
小妞頓了一頓,眼珠一轉說道:“Koko not yet grown up. Daddy good boy, gotta make the bed for Koko!"