
【Dream-childhood 。追溯蜻蜓夢】

2011年2月28日 炎熱的陰天

【The Dream-childhood 。追溯蜻蜓夢】
Lunch of the day: Soba + Seaweed fishball soup + Cauliflower + Broccoli
飛呀 飛呀 看那紅色蜻蜓飛在藍色天空
天空是永恆的家 大地就是牠的王國
輕輕地吹著夢想 慢慢地昇空
當煩惱越來越多 玻璃彈珠越來越少
我們都已經長大 好多夢正在飛
我們都已經長大 好多夢還要飛


【a Lazy *Happy Lunch* 。懶洋洋】

February 25, 2011 Cloudy Cozy Day

Mummy is somewhat lazy today...
Doesn't feel like working too hard...
Doesn't feel like using her brain...
So she simply dug this this & that..

This (flower cookie cutter) is to cut the noses;
This (mushroom cookie cutter) is to cut the ears;
This (disposable bamboo chopstick) is to hold the "balls"; and
That (scissors) is to cut the eyes!! 
... to prepare for the little one a lazy *oink oink*

... a sluggish duckling

... and an idle bear!

Mummy is rather workshy today

PS: the lazy lunch includes seaweed anchovis congee + boiled broccoli + fish balls


【Listen, listen 。用心聆聽孩子的成長】

February 23, 2011 Stuffy day

She isn't as talkative as mummy expected,
but she mumbles a lot!

She isn't a fluent speaker,
but she verbalises as she came across anything catching her eyes or ears!

She isn't an apt learner,
but she copies mummy's readings in earnest!

She isn't having many vocab in her "dictionary",
but she rattles on when her mood is right!

She isn't ready to say "I LOVE YOU",
but she calls "mummy mummy..." in whispers to tell "I LOVE YOU"!

Although she is rather a late-beginner she's never been bothered!
Mummy, do take it easy! She's still be herself, a slow happy young learner ;)

【Listen, listen 。用心聆聽孩子的成長】
Lunch of the day: mashed potato + steamed veggies + sausages
What a fun to hear Iroko imitates mummy & daddy by saying:
"ai shey man!"; "Be careful huh, don't fall, bleeding painful!"; "Oh my God, so big/so high...!"; "emm, so nice, yummy, good!"; "aiyo, very very hot/cold!"; "Come on! 快點!"
Slow down the pace, you will discover more amazing developments achieved by your child;
Listen sincerefully, you will hear the happinesses and sadnesses living in the little world of your child;
See thoughtfully, your child will surprise you by showing who you are!


【Raven d' Lucky Bird 。傳說中的吉祥之鳥--渡鴉】

February 22, 2011 Warm Sunny Day

Mummy came across the legend of Raven while reading story for Iroko this morning. Immediately, mummy made it as the main character for the *happy meal* of the day!

【Raven d' Lucky Bird 。傳說中的渡鴉】
We have spirulina noodle + broccoli + hard boiled egg + soy floss + old cucumber soup for the lunch!!
This brownish-grey large-bodied creature has a big, heavy, black beat and a strong wedge-shaped tail. Many thought that it is crow, but they are not the same species!

People believe that (according to the legend from Iroko's story book) raven bring luck to those who see them and hear their "callings" (noises they make), which give light to the darkness.

Some said raven, the bird that originally lived in the land of spirits, is the creator of the world; some suggest that it is a provider to mankind; and it is the hero 'who' helped to bring Sun, Moon, Stars, Fresh water, and Fire to the world...


【Dancing Owl 。舞孃貓頭鷹】

2011年2月18日 天晴。心陰

弄著,弄著,結果弄出一隻像是在起舞的貓頭鷹來,而且還蠻像是在唱黃梅調/山歌的貓頭鷹,我的媽。。。 >,<

【Dancing Owl 。舞孃貓頭鷹】
太久(差不多整個月吧?!)沒吃到熱狗了,本來對肉類沒啥興趣的小妞一看到就吃得起勁,更是出奇快速地把整碗飯,湯,瓜, ‘狗’,吃個清空 v(^.^)v

雖然天氣晴朗,但媽咪和小妞的心情卻不怎麼好過 ;( 不是因為爹地不在家,而是可憐的小妞又因為怕痛,而不敢‘嗯嗯’。。。 好幾次肚子絞痛,小妞都可憐兮兮地要求媽咪讓她睡覺,而媽咪為了要讓她能“順利”嗯嗯,就狠下心腸地霸王硬上弓,把她搶拐上廁所,結果又讓她哭個死去活來 :....( 更可憐的是,小妞似乎被嚇得連上小號也不敢坐太久,深恐嗯嗯的感覺又來。。。觀世音菩薩,耶穌基督,真主阿拉,如來佛祖請幫幫忙讓小妞脫離便秘之苦海。。。信女將從此茹素。。。


【The Kindergarten Artwork 。幼兒班作品】

February 17, 2011 Sunny Day

hehehhe.... mummy simply felt ashamed looking at her latest work of {ma-masak} ;p The only kind word she'd comment is CUTE.

【The Kindergarten Work--Smiley Breakfast】
She's feeling so sorry to herself and Iroko that her brain has not completely warmed up to create a better *happy meal* ;s

Yes, it's a rather simple kindergarten work, only 5 minutes + only 2 slices of bread + 1 slice of cheddar cheese + little amount of cocoa butter spread + very little amount of strawberry jam! Let's celebrate a brand new day!!


【Waaarmmming Upppp 。千呼萬喚使出來】

2011年2月16日 晴空萬里

就因為晴空萬里,所以要出來“晒晒命”--快要元宵了,媽咪才剛要開工!屈指一算,媽-masak廚房也關灶將近3個星期多了;p (晒命晒得有點內疚。。。),從家鄉回來也好多天了,但不曉得是不是廚房的灶休息太久了,灶具都降溫了,要重新擦出火花,有點困難。。。(其實是媽咪準備*happy meals*的熱忱有點冷卻了;p)

要踏出第一步總是特別掙扎,辛苦的,所以雖然今天的*happy lunch*有點簡單,但媽咪總算是開始熱身了!


【Lunch for Warming Up 。熱身午餐】