
【My Fair Lady 。俏“蕉”娃】

August 26, 2011 Showery rain

*happy breakfast*: Butter scotch, yummmmm.....
Bread/Roti/麵包 has been absent from Iroko's breakfast for almost one whole month. Even if Iroko could survive her mornings without bread, could survive with only Honey Stars or Cocoa Crunch, it's absolutely a significant lacking in mummy's life!! By the 27th day (from the day Iroko was diagnosed with chickenpox) mummy breached the "food taboo" ;p

Dancing Chimpanzee
話說小妞近來愛上恐龍,幾乎每天都在反複練習不同種類恐龍的名稱,而且三不五時就跟書本上的恐龍對話 (問‘對方’ 什麼名字,再自己回答)@.@


“Mummy, what is your name?”
媽咪很直接地就向她報上大名,結果就 無端端被小妞吐槽:
“No, you are Iguanodon!”
“Daddy, what is your name? Is it Spinosaurus?”
“What is your name?Ty-Rex (Tyrannosaurus-Rex)?”
說罷,就繼續到頭大睡 @.@


【Chinese Onigiri 。中式飯糰】

August 25, 2011 A day filled with wind, dark clouds, rain, & FUN ^u^

These few days are eventful and full of fun & excitement.
... Iroko are thrilled to attend her gymnastics twice within the week!
... all are going on the Hari Raya holiday countdown!
... and all are excitedly looking forward to moving into the new house (and now all are busy cleaning up the place)!

*happy lunch* includes:
Rock melon (starter) + vegetable rice + grilled Chinese sausage (lap cheong) + winter melon soup
“Mummy, later mummy can go into Koko's gymnastics class ya!! Can do star jumps together with Koko…… Koko still a small girl, not big girl!”


【Snow White 。白“喵”傳】

August 23, 2011 What a GYM day (^.^)v

*happy lunch* includes:
Stir-fried HongKong kailan & bak kua (chinese bacon) + sweet corn soup
As Iroko got gymnastics class in the afternoon, mummy needed to prepare lunch much earlier (she normally takes 30 to 45min. to complete her lunch). In order to avoid a rush drive, mummy tried to "persuade" herself to give {ma-masak} kitchen a break... Of course, mummy failed to do so. She truly gets addicted to play around Iroko's food >.<

星期二是個充滿歡樂的一天,因為看到小妞很期待,很盡興,很拼命也很享受她的gymnastics class,媽咪也很開心。身為父母的,能為孩子找到她的興趣,為她的童年帶來喜悅,是再幸福不過的事。這個年代以前出世的父母常說這個年代出世的孩子很好命,很幸福,要什麼有什麼,其實這個年代的父母也不是一樣很幸福?!!因為多了很多和孩子親子互動的機會和喜樂!

“Ok, it's time for shopping. Mummy let's go!!” @.@


【Stegosaurus 。劍龍】

August 22, 2011 Cloudy pleasantly cool day ^^

*happy lunch* includes:
Mashed potatoe & carrot + steamed broccoli + sweet corn soup
Months ago dinosaur was not on the list of Iroko's most-liked animals. Mummy assumed that girls are normally not impressed by those "-saurus" animals but Iroko has proven that the assumption is completely a blind stereotype >.<
Lately, she is fond of dinosaurs--keens to learn different names and species of dinosaurs.

“Mummy, are you done? Later mummy plays with Koko huh!
Koko got no friend to play together :(

真希望當小妞上了學,有了同齡玩伴,知己好友後,媽咪還是她心目中需要的FRIEND ^.^


【Big Size Ant 。大“碼”蟻】

August 20, 2011 Ballet day! Favourite day! Rainy day! Heavy rain!


》奶粉錢 = 0
》紙尿片 = 只有夜間睡覺才用
》醫藥費 = 除去一定要的打針,她因為生病而看醫生的次數也只不過4次(應該不算多吧?!摸木摸木!!!)
省下來的錢剛好可以讓她吃那些坐飛機來的水果 ;p


【Sisterhood 。姐妹淘】

August 19, 2011 Shaded sunny day

*happy lunch* includes:
Cheeries & banana (starter) + stir fried sweet potatoe leaves with minced pork meat +
chicken floss + seaweed soup
Friday is all about simple and fun-filled--as the mood is getting ready for the weekend ^^V
Thus, the blog should be kept as simple as possible!!


Look, you messed up everything... why? Must keep properly, put back huh! Otherwise Koko get angry!”


“Mummy, 妳看,Koko pandai keep all the things properly hor!!” >.<


【Chicken Little, Little Dancer 。四眼天雞】

August 18, 2011 Shiny Rainy Day

"mai ia hii, mai ia huu, mai ia hoo, mai ya hee, mai ia haha..."
BIRDs, including cockerel, chicken, hen, not forget too--Angry Birds!!, are rated as high profile VIP of {ma-masak} ^v^
Iroko knew Chicken Little via its funny "movements" (or dance?) while performing the catchy song "mai ia hii...." At first, she could hardly tell the name, rather, she told mummy she wanted to watch mai ia hii or numa numa hei whenever she missed the fabulous performance by Chicken Little.
*happy lunch* includes:
Stir fried assorted veggies with minced pork meat +
 baked fresh mushroom topped with tuna fish and grated cheese +
bak kua (grilled sliced meat--Chinese bacon) + radish soup
看著孩子學說話,掌握詞彙的能力(與創作力)一天一天地增加,真的很好玩 ^^
這過程是身為父母絕對不容忽略,不可錯過的的一堂人生課。雖然偶爾會被孩子請吃檸檬,當中的喜悅絕對遠遠超越另一端的感覺 ^^

小妞近來喜歡刻意地 運用present participle。

媽咪叫她時, 她就問:“Whom mummy 叫-ing?”;
媽咪很專心看書/報紙時,她就問:“What mummy看-ing?”;
媽咪塗護膚品/幫她搽去疤膏時,她就問:“What mummy 搽-ing?”;
聽不清楚媽咪的話時,她就問:“What mummy 講-ing?”
今天,洗完澡,她拉著系在浴盆旁的繩子站起來時,就脫口而出問:“What Koko 拉-ing?”
@.@  >.<  #.# >///< =.="


【So called "MONSTERs" 。叫不出名堂的,就是怪獸】

August 17, 2011 Shining...

Monster I of the day
Monster II of the day
*happy lunch* includes:
Apple & carrot salad (starter) + pasta with white mushroom sauce + radish soup
As usual, Iroko peeked into kitchen when mummy started her cooking.
As usual, she asked "What is mummy doing for Koko?"
As the Monster I was presented to her, "ieeeeeeee...what is this, mummy?"
As the lunch was served, "Mummy, what is this?"
(mummy answered by singing "baa baa black sheep")
Unexpectedly, she corrected mummy, "NO, they are PENGUINs!!" (#.#)   @.@
Admittedly, the two creatures don't at all look like sheep ;p

看到電視裡的剛出世的小貝比(baby)光著身子,頂著稀稀薄薄的頭髮,小妞就很疑惑地問媽咪:“ieeee... how come the baby got no hair, botak!”

“Mummy, don't cut too much, only a little bit. KOKO DON'T WANT BOTAK!!” @.@


【Baby Lion Stool 。獅子小板凳】

August 15, 2011 A typical tropical day 又晴又陰又雨

Mummy almost bought another stool (lion head) when she failed to "influence" Iroko to choose the same.
The girl chose a kitty instead.
She was so decisive and determined even there were over 20 wooden stool choices.
Daddy had been planning to bring his daughter to Malacca Zoo and to get her a unique wooden craft stool from the town, which he mentioned since last year! After a few postponements, daddy finally fulfilled his promise last Sunday. To our disappointment, it's (the zoo) nothing impressive/fancy :( Some commented that it is better than the Zoo Negara. We have been to both, they are almost of the same standard---nothing about eye-opening, nothing fancy, to say the least. The only things that “waked her up” were the playground and those rock benches/beams in the zoo, which she could practice her gym--balancing and jumping!

*happy lunch* includes:
Champagne grapes (starter) “butter-fried” fresh mushrooms +
stir fried 'unknown dark green veggie' +  Chinese yam pork rib soup
而且古城一遊也如往常一樣,讓人又熱又累汗流浹背 >.<
(但還是有很多值得看的玩具,擺設,古董,建築物。。。 ^^)
出乎意料,小妞竟然還是玩得很開心 ^.^v
Koko is very happy :D (why?) Because Koko went to zoo, saw tigers, elephants dancing, giraffes, crocodiles... I am soooo happy!!”

聽她那麼一說,流失了的汗水,曬黑了的膚色,都是值得的 (*u*)v


【Oh YES!!!!... 。春光。。。不再】

August 11, 2011 Not too warm, not too dry, not too windy, just nic:e...

*happy lunch* includes:
Apple & Orange (starter) + stir fried bok choy, carrot & assorted mushroom +
white fungus & green apple dessert
taa lang.... finally, Smurfette is here ^.*
On one hand, Iroko loves sports and aggressive games, one the other hand, she loves feminine fashion especially "pong pong" (layered) skirt!! Daddy always wants his daughter looks (and behaves) sporty including her dressing style. Basically, daddy dislikes girl-type-dresses, especially princess dresses and those with flowery prints... that is always an unresolvable conflict between the daughter and daddy ;p

... other than the design, the worst thing about this skirt that daddy totally  couldn't tolerate is the colour tones >.<
He told mummy, Iroko can only wear it in the house!!


Never mind, when mummy becomes SMALL, then mummy can sit on Koko's potty and won't break it!”


【Angry Bird's Summer "PIGnic" 。野餐大豐收 ^.^ v】

August 10, 2011 Rain rain...

*happy lunch* includes:
Apple (starter) + pasta seasoned with sesame oil + boiled broccoli
A friend shared an Angry Bird video clip the other day. The hero at the "pignic" is a new member of angry bird family. It is a green birdie (unfortunately wrong background choice makes the body less apparent) with huge powerful yellow beak (unfortunately mummy has no better choice other than orange).

小妞接近8,9個月大時才第一次叫“爸爸”,一直到了2歲過後,才開始願意開口說“人話”--一些媽咪+別人聽得懂的單,雙音詞; 才能很清晰地叫“媽咪”(之前都只是‘咪,咪’的叫媽咪)。

幾個月後的現在,說話越來越流暢,用詞越來越豐富,越來越鬼馬的小妞開始發揮她的想像力+幽默感了。連媽咪也時不時被她“擺上台”娛樂自己+別人。想當初,小妞不怎麼熱衷於叫‘媽咪’,搞到媽咪有點吃爹地的醋,現在,她則是一天到晚都在“媽咪”, “”,或“mummyyyyy....”地掛在嘴邊。還給媽咪不一樣的身份+起了各式各樣的稱呼 @.@

KAKAK mummy
“佬搞”咪 (佬搞=福建話‘猴子’的意思)
Good Friend mummy
ah MI
老婆 @.@...



【Pocket Lover 。口袋裡的愛】

August 09, 2011 Warm cloudy day

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes (starter) + mashed potatoe & sweet potatoe & carrot +
steamed bok choy + ABC soup 
Iroko has had rice for her lunch for several days in a row. Despite the concern of heatiness (white rice is considered as heaty food especially to patients/those who just recovered from illness like Iroko >.<), mummy is running out of ideas what dishes to prepare for her @.@

Daddy is on his slimming diet, mummy doesn't need to prepare dinner for adults (no point and no fun to eat dinner alone, so mummy takes very simple dinner nowadays---leftover from Iroko's dinner) In order to avoid wastage, mummy doesn't keep too many ingredients (especially fresh veggies) in the fridge. It's really tricky to choose and to buy food for only ONE kid's meal portion; moreover, there is a long list of food that she must not eat for time being!! arghhhhhh... (the bok choy has been sitting in the fridge for a week!!)

昨晚在小妞的房裡,爹地故意爬上她的睡床,抱着躺在那裡的媽咪,然後故意捉弄小妞:“Koko,daddy hug hug mummy!”
本來正玩得起勁的小妞就停了下來,很嚴肅地盯著她爸,說:“No, cannot!!”


過程裡,他們常常會處於矛盾的心裡狀態,而小妞目前就時不時會出現小女生的心理掙扎現象--嫉妒媽咪分薄了父親對她的愛,而另一方面又很需要媽咪的照顧/對媽咪的依賴,也想要模仿媽咪做個真正的女人!!(媽咪終於親身經歷什麼叫electra complex了 ;p)




【Oh No... 。春光乍泄 ;p】

August 08, 2011 The Sun is working hard today =.=

*happy lunch* includes:
Baked potatoe with cheese topping +
stir fried broccoli with white mushroom  button mushroom + English gourd soup
Honestly, Iroko doesn't know this cartoon character at all ;p Since she saw mummy busy "playing" with rice, she repeatedly asked mummy "What mummy making?"...
Better impress her with the movie before mummy makes the Smurfette (one of the three female smurfs) next time. In fact, she is supposed to be part of today's *happy lunch*. However, Iroko finished all blue rice as mummy completed the first Smurf @.@
Okay, let's save it for upcoming lunch ;p


Koko可憐喔!Got no good friend already...
(還重複好幾遍 @.@)



【Assembly 。群英會】

August 05, 2011 No more rain

Let's brainstormmmmm!!! What should we prepare for recovering chickenpox patients???
Mummy needs more brains badly now /o\
Menu-planning is always a heavy brain-exercise :( It's even more challenging now >,<
NO tofu;
NO bean;
NO egg;
NO soy sauce;
NO chicken rice (although Iroko only eats chicken rice WITHOUT chicken, it contains black soy sauce);
NO oyster sauce (even vegetarian mushroom oyster sauce because it contains soybean);
NO kaya pao... arrrgggghhhh!!!
The worst thing is NO bread and other food that "HUAT" (contains yeast/raising agents)...
*happy lunch* includes:
Stir fried English gourd & carrot with anchovies + sweet corn soup + cheddar cheese (snack)


車子一進地下隧道,她會要媽咪陪她唱“I like to tunnel, I'm a termite, tunnel feeling free...” (Hi-5裡的一首歌!) 真的是‘咁都得’ >,<


聽見飛機的聲音,就唱『小飛機』;看見直升機,就“chopper chopper helicopter flying all around...” (也是Hi-5裡的歌)



【The Shark Tale 。大魚吃小魚,小魚咬大魚】

August 04, 2011 A true rainy day... 涼!爽!

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes (starter) + stir fried bok choy & carrot + seaweed soup with minced pork
Months ago, Iroko was fond of doing "shark dance", which she learned from Hi-5. Thus, mummy has planned to make her a shark meal and until today it's accomplished. Yet, it (shark) has lost its charm to fascinate the little girl (‘^’)

跟一般女生沒兩樣,小妞也會要求媽咪為她 塗lip balm,上眼影,噴香水,穿上媽咪裙子,高跟鞋……@.@
每次洗完澡,她通常不會忘記要媽咪幫她全身上下塗lotion/baby oil……@.@

“Mummy, please help Koko to put mask, 癢癢here……”
Koko got chickenpox,可憐喔……mummy, apply gently huh...


【Cookie Monster 。曲奇怪獸】

August 03, 2011 Bright rainy day

Butterfly-pie flowers (also known as clitoria or bunga telang in Malay),
a natural  antioxidant, give food natural, pretty shade of blue.
The "evident" (today's *happy lunch*) reaffirms that the colour extracted from butterfly-pie flowers is BLUE!! It's BLUE!!! (^.^)V
Not grey!! Not the colour mummy got for BLU, which was extracted from dried flowers.
As the lunch was served, mummy was expecting Iroko to ask,"How come the rice is BLUE?" Surprisingly, she didn't!! blekkk...

*happy lunch* includes:
Grapes (starter) + stir-fried lettuce + deep fried anchovies +
old cucumber soup + assorted biscuit (dessert)

雖然媽咪糾正了無數次,小妞還是改不過來,總是把它念成“pat-ee-sin” @.@
第二次,小妞終於知道媽咪把黏土收在哪裡,就指著那盒放在高架上的黏土直嚷“pat-ee-sin, pat-ee-sin, mummy, please 謝謝!”

“Daddy, can I have some pat-ee-sin?”
(小妞很喜歡拋書包,說話時都要用數量詞,有時還來個“a lot so many water”)

“Or you want pat-ER-sin?” (ER = “二”,因為女兒說的pat-EE-sin = pat-1-sin)結果,小妞當然聽不懂她老爸說的冷笑話咯 >,< 在那裡愣了幾秒,就掉頭找媽咪去要她的pat-ee-sin。


【Fear Factor 。盤中餐】

August 02, 2011 Sunny sunny sunny

Iroko is having chickenpox!!
Most likely she caught it from her little boy friend (our neighbour) who had with the disease weeks ago.
Until last Wednesday only the pox appear--more than 2 weeks after she got infected.
The good things are: the little one did not become ill or fussy at all but as active as usual, and her symptoms are quite mild, no fever, only mild runny nose, normal appetite, very less pox over the body, more on the face though >,<
... and the greatest part is that--this is once in a lifetime!!
*happy lunch* includes:
Mashed potatoe + steamed broccoli + seaweed with mushroom soup
隔天,小妞忽然告訴媽咪:“Mummy, please help Koko put mask!” 原來是她想起媽咪平日用的面膜也是冰冰涼涼的,一塗上mask的媽咪也是那個樣子的!!

再隔天,當她伏在床上讓媽咪在她背後塗“面膜”時,忽然間冒出一句:“emm... 很爽嗚!!So cold!!”

接下來幾天,她就要求媽咪在她臉上畫老虎,貓咪,在她手/腳上畫smiley faces 了!有時媽咪/爹地還得一起畫 >,<

【Talking Tom Cat's goo goo 。咕咕,咕咕】

July 28, 2011 Hot

*happy lunch* includes:
Fruits salad (starter) + amaranth congee
Just wonder why are "talking-parrot", "talking-cat", "talking-dog", "talking-hippo", "talking-ladybuug", etc. so popular amongst kids (or even adults??). Iroko too, loves talking to those creatures (or listening to her own speech repeated by them??) >,< This red bird is an additional feature in Talking-Tom cat 2--one of her favourite i-app. )^.^(

小妞愛死了她的gymnastics class,即使只是看見她的制服,也會雀躍萬分!那天換上制服準備出去時,小妞告訴媽咪:
“Mummy good girl, iron this shirt for Koko. When Koko grown up can iron for mummy...”

媽咪就指著她身上的T-shirt,故意問小妞:“Can mummy share Koko's shirt?”

“... emm... or other shirt?”

“But mummy loves this one. Can mummy borrow for a while?” 媽咪就是想探視小妞的反應 ;p

“But mummy is too big!! Only Koko can fit!”
