這是原稿!像頭獅子吧?! |
這是成品!怎麼變了樣?!>,< |
A "fantastic" name was decided for the lion according to the sketch--【Lion on Fire 。紅燒獅子頭】...
Unfortunately, the work done somehow does not match the name ?! o,0
(wondering whether the outcome would be better if same colour candies were used)
The only consolation is that Iroko could tell it is a LION!! (^.^)v
*happy lunch* includes: Strawberries (starter) + animal pasta with mushroom sauce + fish balls + miso soup |
剛開始買《我的天才寶貝》(《Brainy Baby》,英文幼兒教育系列)給小妞時,她看了幾次就不再看了。
“Mummy has oval face, Koko is round, daddy is BALL!!”
(哇哈哈哈哈哈。。。。。daddy is ball!)
就小妞來說,或多或少受了Brainy Baby的影響,她對周遭環境人事物的敏感度+觀察力都加強了--因為想找機會活學活用+得到大人的肯定 ^.^v